April fools

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A/n: This might be very short😬. Plus happy Easter and April fools😏

Chandler's POV
"Hey guys so today I'm going to to be pranking  my wonderful girlfriend y/n." I said into the camera. "I'm going to act like I got another girl pregnant. I might die today but it's worth it." 

"She's at work right now, when she gets home I'm going to act like I'm talking to the girl I got 'pregnant'. This is gonna be awesome." I planning out what I was going to say and how I'm going to say it.

She just got home and I'm now shitting my pants. How is she gonna take this, what if she cuts me? Holy crap I'm screwing. I heard her coming up the stairs so I got ready.

"What do you mean you're pregnant?!, what the hell am I going to tell y/n? I knew I should've never had dated you." I scream in to the phone. "Chandler, who was that?" She asked confused.

"How much of that did you hear?" I asked in a scare tone. "All of it, what's going on." She said more serious now. "Look, I didn't want to tell you this. I have been seeing a girl behind your back and I got her pregnant." I said.

"You what?!" She screamed. "Why the hell would you do this?! How long have you've been seeing her?! She screamed once again. "Six months." I aid putting my head down. "SIX MONTHS, CHANDLER WE'VE BEEN TOGETHER FOR THREE YEARS!" Saying she was mad was an insult.

"I know baby and I'm so very sorry, I fucked up." I said fake crying. "Yea I know you did, you wasted six months of my life. No scratch that you wasted THREE FREAKING YEARS of my life Chandler. If you didn't want to be with me you could've just said so." She said.

She got a bag and started to pack up her things. She was sobbing so hard it broke me to see her like this. "There's one more thing I have to tell you." I said. "What, your gonna tell me you someone else pregnant?!" She said. "No, I was gonna tell you. YOU JUST GOT PRANKED SON WOOO!" I screamed.

She got up so fast and smacked then hell out of me. "Where's the damn camera?!" She asked.
"Right there!" I said holding my cheek. She smack me again. "What would you that you idiot?!" She screamed. "April fooooollsss." I said. She just smiled and walked out the room. Oh god I'm in trouble now.

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