His girlfriend hates you

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Your POV
Every time I'm with him she gives me looks. She scrunches up those ugly ass lips of hers. I don't know why she doesn't like me. The only reason I haven't dragged her ass across the room is because I care about Chandler.

You should already know that I like him, Isn't that how every story works. Your their best friend The this guy or girl comes along and screw everything up. Then when you say something they think your jealous, the typical.

We're all having movie night tonight. When I got there she was already there, I wasn't surprised. You know that feel when you want to hit someone with a car, but then you remember you'll go to jail. Well yea that's how I'm feeling..

I ranged the doorbell, Chandler opened it with that cute smile of his. "Hey, before you come in please don't fight with her. I know you don't like her." He said. "It's not that I don't like her, it's just if she falls of a cliff I wouldn't feel bad." I said shrugging my shoulders. He just laughed and let me in.

Soon as I came in his house her face turned. It took EVERYTHING out of me not to say anything, plus I was on my period so yea. Let her try me today.

-A coupe hours went by-

"I'm going to the bathroom, try to get along." Chandler said with a giggle. I found nothing funny about this. "You need to stay away from Chandler before something bad happens." She blurted out. "Excuse me!" I said. "You heard me, sooner or later he'll be mine. Wrapped around my little finger. He won't even remember you." She said with that dumb ass laugh.

"Just so you know Chandler and I have been friends since birth. So I don't think a thot like you will come between us." I said smirking. "We'll see." She mumbled. I just rolled my eyes. "I don't even know why you don't like me." I said honestly. "Because you're getting in the way of me and Chandler. All he does is talk about you and the fun things y'all do together. He always tells me I'm gonna like you, but I don't and I never will!" She said.

I was in shock at first, I mean it's okay to talk about your best friend but she's lying. All he does is talk about her, when we are all out and I'm third wheeling he's drooling over her. I'm leaving I'm not even going to argue with her. Chandler was in the bathroom for a hella long time. I didn't even bother to say goodbye I  just left.

-Three days later-
I'm still pissed and on my period. Chandler has been calling and texting me but I haven't been answering. I heard a knock on the door, I didn't get up because I knew who it was. Then Chandler came through my room door. Crap I forgot he had a key.

"You know I could've been naked and you come in my room like a cop!" I said harshly. "Then that's a risk I will have to take." He said. I just rolled my eyes, but hey I can't lie I am a little amused. "Why have you been ignoring me?" He asked sadly.

"You should already know why." I said bluntly. "What did she do now." He said rolling his eyes. "See right there, I can't even tell you the shot she does to me. Because you won't believe me. She calls me all these names, she says I'm not good enough. She makes me feel fucking worthless and you don't even care. You just think I'm that fucking jealous, I don't like you that much to break you guys up." I said crying.

He looked at me in shock. "Did you just say you like me." He said. "Oh don't even think you didn't know." I said walking out my room. He grabbed my hand to stop me. "I try to believe but it's hard." He said. His face was so close to me mine that I couldn't help myself.

I kissed him, what surprised me was that he kissed back. We stayed like that for a minute until I pulled away. "What the cheese balls just happened." I said completely shook. "I don't know, but I liked it. I was only dating her to get you out my head. Plus I saw a picture of her kissing another guy. When I left here I was gonna breakup with her ass." He said.

"CHANDLER RIGGS, I can't with you." I screamed.  He hugged me and said sorry for all the things she put me through. "We can't date just yet, give it time." I said. "Good idea, but can we kiss again, then I'll be ready not to date you just yet." He said. I laughed and kissed him again.

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