Innocent Thing

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Requested by: Carly_Cake
Y/n was one of those innocent teens, her just turning 16 (aka me cuz my bday was the 14th🤗) she has never smoked weed or did any type of other drugs. Her boyfriend Chandler has tho.

She doesn't judge him for it, but she just says she wouldn't do it. Of course he would try to peer pressure her sometimes, but she stayed strong. He also tries to get her to have sex with him.

She always tell him no because she isn't ready and she wants to wait until marriage. He obviously gets mad, but she doesn't care because if he really loved her, he would understand.

They would always get into small arguments on why she's so innocent and fan girlish. She always tell him that it's better to be a fan girl than a drug dealer. Chandler isn't a drug dealer, it's just a saying she says.

Sometimes she feels sad at the fact that he wants one thing only (sex) or at least that's what she thinks. Both her friends are pregnant at sixteen and she doesn't want that to happen to her.

Most of her and Chandler's friends smoke and drink. Y/n is the only on who doesn't, it's sad that they make her feel bad about it. She always get teased on how 'innocent' she is. She doesn't care tho, because at the end of the day she doesn't need those things to make her happy.

About two months later she broke up with Chandler because he got to out of hand with the drinking and he started to get abusive. Also to much name calling. He tried to get her back loads of times, but she kept saying no. She was just and innocent thing and he wasn't for her.

A/n: hope you liked it and I know Chandler would never do this stuff.

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