Broken (c.g.)

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Your POV
Me and Carl are going on a run today for Judith, she needs some food and toys and other baby things. As I got my bag together I didnt hear Carl come in so when he wrapred is arms around me I screamed.

"AH, Carl what the fuck." I said. "Sorry babe." He Chuckled. "You ready?" He asked. "Yea let's go." I said like Mario.
He laughed and we made our way to the destination.

When we got there, we went straight into the nearest baby store. We got her dipers, food, toys, pampers and other baby things.

We were on our way back to the prison, then we heard a gun click. He stopped in our tracks, "that's right, now turn around. The random man said.

We turned around and saw a man with three other guys. "What you kids doing out here all alone?" He said smirking with his yellow greenish teeth. "We were just minding our business." Carl said getting angry.

"Oh, boys got a mouth on him, see keep that smart tone up, were gonna have a bigger problem then we already do." He said doing some evil chuckle. I looked at Carl with freaful eyes and he looked back at me with the same expression with a hint of braveness.

"Oh she's a pretty thing, look at her." The man said getting closer to me. I backed away just a little. "Oh, don't be scared darling, I dont bite, much." He said with that same chuckle. He got closer and Carl got angrier. "Don't fucking touch her." Carl blurted out.

"Oh, he's your little boyfriend, well he just fucked you over." The man said. "What do you mean." Carl said you can tell the fear in his voice. "Oh see well, we're are going to rape the shit out of your girlfriend, and make you watch, because you wanted to be Mr. Badass." He said.

My eyes started to water. "Come on man you dont have to do that to her because of me, punish me not her." Carl said trying to reason with them.

"Okay we'll let her off, but you're gonna get the shit beat out of you." He said. He gave two of his men a look, next thing you know Carl's on the the ground and they're punching him repeatedly.

"Stop!" I yelled running towards them, but the one other guy grab me. "Let me go, get off." I said on the verge of sobs. It broke my heart see Carl in that predicament. I was trying even harder to break free. "Please." I said with a weak sob.

The man laughed at me and it got her even madder. I stopped fighting so he can losing up. When he did I grabbed his arm and twisted it till it broke in one swift motin. Then I grabbed his gun and shot him in the face.

I shot the other two guys who were beating on Carl. Then the last one, the leader. I shot him in both his knees right before he was about bro shoot me.

Then I got my bat from out my bag, I went over to the man and hit after hit after hit. I hit him till he had no face. left when I was done, I went to Carl.

His face was all bloodied up. "Omg Carl, look at you." I said wiping most of it off with my sleeve. "I'm okay really." He said weakly. "No you're not look at you." I said starting to cry again.

"Hey, look on the bright side, you kicked four men asses by yourself and it was hot." He said which made me laugh. "See look at that smile, now let's get back to the prison." He said. We got our stuff and head back home.

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