"Did you or do you did you not see the map to Luke Skywalker," Leia asked, jumping right into it.
Poe couldn't help but laugh, causing a deep pain deep in his lungs. He massaged it a bit with his hand before he looked at her in the eye. "Wow, no 'how are you doing' or 'I'm glad that you're safe'," Poe joked with a roll of his eyes.
"I'm sorry, but we really must have this information. Every day we spend here is another day without clues to Luke whereabouts," Leia pointed out as her face fell.
Poe shuffled his feet under the covers. He kept forgetting that Luke was Leia's brother and that she would do anything for him. Poe didn't have any siblings, but he could only imagine what he would do for the members of the his squadron and the Resistance in general and they weren't even blood. Sometimes, though, blood didn't always matter.
"Well, I saw the map that was handed over and was told that it was the map to Luke, but I didn't see for myself. I don't think anyone has looked at it to see proof," confessed Poe with a tiny shrug of his shoulders since much more was too excruciating.
"And who has it now," pressed Leia with hope rising in her voice.
Poe bit his lip. Leia was not going to like this next part. "BB-8," answered Poe in a small voice.
"You left the map in your BB-8 unit," asked Leia in shock, the disapproval showing in every wrinkle on her face.
Defiance made Poe frown ever so slightly. "He's not just a BB-8 unit," Poe corrected with a narrowing of his eyes. "He's called BB-8 and he's like my friend and companion more than just a droid."
Leia seemed to realize the error of her ways and she lifted her hands. "My apologizes. I know what it's like to have droids as part of your family. Anyway, the map is with BB-8 and where is he?"
"I don't know," Poe confessed. "I mean I know that he was on Jakku, but I don't know where he is now. I'm hoping that he got out, but he could be anywhere in the galaxy by now."
"The Resistance will find him, I'm sure of it." Leia shifted. "How about the First Order. I heard that you were captured?"
"That's correct. I gave the map to BB-8 and was captured soon after I went after this strange cloaked man in a mask. He stopped the blast with just his hands and then they took me in their ship. He wasn't much of a conversationalist," Poe recalled, even though that time was sort of a blur after the masked man had done something to his brain that he couldn't remember.
Leia thought for a moment before a look of sheer terror and sorrow passed over her face, making it shine in the light. Tears caught in the corner of her eyes. "Then you probably didn't catch his name," Leia asked with a tight voice.
Poe thought for a moment. "Well, they called him Kylo Ren, but I don't know if that was his true name or just a title. Does it really matter what he's supposed to be called," Poe challenged, feeling hostility slightly corse through him. He knew that Leia was doing this as a general, but he couldn't imagine why she would seem more concerned about these details then him actually being captured. If he was a bit braver and higher ranking he might've actually asked that question.
"Well, that name doesn't mean anything to me," Leia told him tightly, taking a step away from Poe. "I should probably leave you to rest. I need my best pilot out there fighting again soon."
Poe gave her a tight smile. "Don't worry, I will be," Poe reassured her while he sunk back a bit in the bed since his body was starting to ache in that position. "I won't let the Resistance down!"
"I know that you won't," Leia breathed as she gave his shoulder a squeeze before she headed out of the room, just as Tas was heading in.