Chapter 10: Apologizes (Jemina)

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    Xander played with his food a bit on the tip of his fork. He sighed as the food fell back onto his plate. It wasn't that he wanted to eat it, but he could hear his mother's voice in his ear complaining that he didn't finish. So, he shoveled a bite into his mouth and struggled to swallow it.

    "That bad, huh?"

    Xander lifted his head and snickered. "I had slop yesterday. I don't need to have it two days in a row," he pointed out with a sneer. He then gulped when he realized that it was Jemina that had spoken to him. He immediately put his spoon down as she sat beside him and set her tray down.

    "True. I guess the same slop here is the same slop everywhere," murmured Jemina as she took a bite and seemed to actually enjoy it. "So, what do you have planned today?"

    "After I eat I'm going to check on Poe. He does stir crazy if he doesn't have something to do or someone to talk to," Xander pointed out as he pushed the tray away. There was no way that he was eating that! "You know, you should come with me."

    Jemina started to gag on what she had just eaten. She quickly drank some blue milk before she shook her head and rubbed at her watery eyes. "I don't think so."

    "Why not," challenged Xander.

    "Xander, I almost killed Poe. I'm sure that I'm the absolute least person that he wants to see," Jemina pointed out in exasperation.

    Xander shot her a kind smile. "Jemina, if I know one thing about Poe it's that he's kind, compassionate, and forgiving above all else. Besides, he was asleep for most of it and you were just trying to save his life. He was thrashing around and I went blank and you just tried to do what you usually do. If anything it's probably my fault."

    That didn't make Jemina feel any better. But, she knew that Xander wasn't about to drop this. He was just stubborn enough and she was just falling for him enough to actually want to do what he said.

    "Come on. You just have to say hi and I'll introduce you. I know that Poe would want to meet you," Xander pressed, leaning forward a bit as he wiggled his eyebrows.

    Jemina couldn't help but laugh at how funny, yet cute he was. She sucked on her bottom lip before she finally gave up. Staring into those soulful eyes made her heart skip a beat. "Okay, fine. I'll stop in, but just to say hi," Jemina told him as she wiggled her finger in front of his face.
    Xander slapped the table. "Deal!"

    To Jemina's surprise, Xander etched out and grabbed her hand. She felt her gloved hands start to sweat, but she managed to act like nothing of it as Xander almost led her from the mess hall. They walked out into the sunny hanger and Jemina heard whispers as a few Resistant fighters pointed at them and whispered in amusement. Jemina realized it was because of her and Xander were holding hands.

    Jemina wanted to yank her hand away, but something stopped her. She looked over to Xander and saw the goofy grin on his face. There was something about him that was different from most of the other men on the base. Jemina didn't think that she had time for friends, let alone anything romantic. But, Xander was different and she couldn't help but smile when she looked at him. So, she tightened her grip with Xander and turned her head up high, smiling.

    She ignored what anyone else was saying as she marched forward. They headed to the infirmary and Xander let go of her hand. She actually felt longing to hold his hand some more, but she ignored it. She tucked her hands into her pockets and followed Xander into the infirmary.

    They passed a few Resistance fighters, who had finally been discharged and looked pretty relieved at it. There was a chuckle from Xander as he stopped to high five a few of them before they pushed past them and out of the infirmary. Xander headed back while Jemina walked slowly.

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