Tas stood at the entrance to the infirmly once he had finished his rounds and patching everyone up. It hadn't been a devastating battle, but there were always injuries that he had to deal with. Once he was finished he decided to go outside and listen to different accounts of what happened by the pilots and others who had gotten their information from the pilots. It was amusing to hear how different everything was, but Tas enjoyed it. It brought life to the Resistance base.
Tas turned and smiled when he saw Poe. "You know you don't have to keep running into me. I told you that you were free to go," Tas pointed out.
"Yeah, I know, but it's not that. I um just wanted to let you know that I'm going out again. There's a mission to destroy Starkiller base," Poe explained.
Tas thought hard. "Starkiller base. Something tells me I've heard of that before. Isn't it like twice the size of the Death Star?"
"Even bigger than that! But, we have someone who knows the controls on the inside. We just need some pilots for diversion," explained Poe with a small shrug as if it was as simple as walking across the base.
Tas shot him a daggerlike look that Poe tried to wriggle out of by looking away. "Do I have to tell you to be careful?"
"No, dad," Poe grumbled sarcastically as he crossed his arms against his chest as he let out a small sigh.
Tas tapped his boot against the ground. "Look, I just want to keep everyone safe and you know that. It's a lot less work for me if you'er not in the infirmary."
"I will try my best," Poe sighed as he leaned against the opening like Tas, watching the sun scorch everything on the base. The Resistance was practically buzzing with excitement and apprehension, which was a good combination for Tas. That meant that no one was too timid to work, but they were still cautious enough to avoid being hurt. It worked out perfectly for Tas.
"You know, I don't think I ever thanked you for all that you did for me," Poe began. "I mean I know that I can be a pain in the ass and you put up with me. I wanted to thank you for that."
Tas shrugged. "It's my job." He saw Poe's face fell so he swiveled around to look at him. "But, I didn't mind it. There's been plenty worse people if you ask me."
That Poe believed. He laughed as he blinked his eyes. "Do you think that we're going to have more times like what we had this past week?"
"Oh yeah," agreed Tas as he played with the comm pieces in his pocket. "Without a doubt, but that's what makes life here exciting. Something has to considering we don't leave for much and we're stuck with the same people for a while."
That Poe couldn't dispute. But, he was learning to like the other people here. he wanted to get to know each and every one of them. Maybe one day he would be able to form a relationship with each of them. That way he wouldn't feel like he could've done more if anything happened to them, like Xander.
"Do you think Xander is in a better place," blurted out Poe.
Surprise shown on Tas's face as he shrugged. "I suppose so. I mean, he's one with the force is what I believe. If that is true then he's all around us."
"I like that belief," Poe agreed after a moment. It helped to think that Xander wasn't really gone. It helped with the grief.
Poe grumbled as he pulled himself away from wall. "Well, I better go. Leia is expecting me at the briefing.'
As he walked away, he heard Tas's voice. "May the force be with you."
Excitement showed on Poe's face as he smiled. "And with you."
As he walked away, Tas felt at ease. Maybe this would be the turning point in the war against the First Order. Maybe everyone would be okay. Perhaps he would finally get the respect he deserved with Poe now on his side. He had no idea. But, he knew one thing for sure.
Nothing was set in stone. You had to help make your own future and your own hope. It wouldn't just come to you. You had to make your own luck and your own destiny. It was possible for everyone. Even those behind the Resistance.