Xander darted forward, his feet sagging into the dirt. He looked up and saw his mother being dragged away by two men in strange white outfits. They looked uncomfortable and bulky at best. But, they had blasters like Xander had never seen before. He had no idea what they were doing or where they were taking his mother, but he decided against trying to fight him.
A middle aged women with worry lines etched on her face turned around and reached out a hand toward his son. "Xander! Run!"
"Shut up!"
The white armored man threw his mother down and she gasped in pain as the trooper pushed her. People started to gather into a circle to just watch. Xander's eyes widened in shock. Why weren't they helping her?!
"Mama," wailed Xander as he stretched out a hand and reached out toward her.
Another white armored man shoved him back. Xander fell on the ground with his eyes round. "Leave her alone," he begged, but his voice came out a as a squeak. "Please!"
A white armored man grabbed him by the hair and dragged him forward. Tears pooled in his eyes as he was thrown against his mother. His mother quickly pulled him under her and tried to brace her body over him. Xander could feel her heartbeat as he shivered and tried to curl himself into a ball.
"Do what you want to me," his mother growled threateningly. "But, leave my son alone!"
The armored man came up and pressed the blaster against his mother's temple. His mother let out a breath and shivered. "You will never crush the Resistance!"
"We'll see," the armored man whispered as he fired one single shot into his mother's temple.
Xander let out a keening wail as he came out from under his mother's limp body and pushed her over on her back. He grabbed her shoulders in his small hands and started to sob uncontrollably. He felt himself begin to get lightheaded, but he didn't even care.
"Mama, get up! You have to get up," Xander begged, his voice growing quieter and quieter as his voice started to grow hoarse from the shouting. "Please, oh please. Don't leave me. I need you. Mama!"
Xander continued to lay in his mother's blood. His hands were stained with it and when he touched his mother's cheek, he spread her blood. He pressed his forehead against hers and took in a deep breath. He tried to take in the scent of her. She smelled like sweat and sand, but in a good way. Now it was mixed with blood.
The people started to fade away, leaving just Xander and his mother. Xander laid there until it got dark. Suddenly, he felt a hand rest on his back.
He nearly jumped out of his skin before he looked back and saw an older looking women with gentleness shinning in her eyes. She smiled and looked down at him.
"It's okay, little one," chided the women.
Xander wiped the tears from his face, trying to make himself look tough. "W-Who are you," he demanded with his lip slightly curling.
"My name is Leia Organa, but you can just call me Leia." She smiled kindly. "I have special plans for you, little one. Just come with me."
"Xander. Xander. Xander Mark. Xander!"
Xander finally woke up when he felt someone touching his shoulder. He shot up straight up in his bunk and skirted away in shock, gasping in surprise. Terror was gleaming in his eyes as he struggled to breathe, gagging on his own breath.