Chapter 43

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  (The next day) *y/n's pov* I'm sitting at the table eating leftover pizza when I see Ivan with a suitcase coming down the stairs. "Ivan? What are you doing?" I ask and quickly walk to him. "Oh sorry y/n, I forgot to tell you that if I was leaving to Spain, the earliest flight was today and you convinced me on going so here i am...on my way to Spain" he tells me and gives me a small smile. I begin to tear up. "Why are you crying?" He asks me. "I'm going to miss you" I tell him. "Aw y/n don't cry, I'll be back soon" he says and hugs me. I feel his warm body against mine and I just cry more. I then hear Jake call out "you ready?" Ivan holds me for a couple more seconds, kisses my forehead and says "yea". *Ivan's pov* Hours later I land in Spain and I feel so weird without Emilio. I head to my mom's and I knock the door. The door opens, she looks at me and begins crying. "Ivan! Mi querido!" She yells out and hugs me. We talk and I explain to her why I'm here and before I know it, I'm heading to bed. The next morning I wake up, get dressed and head to Ruben's. He knew I was coming but he still greeted me with a big hug. After a while of talking, I ask him about Jay. 

 *Ivan's pov* "Ruben!" I yell out because he ignored my question about Jay. "What?" He asks. "Don't act dumb, I asked what Jay has been up to and where she is" I tell him and lean back on the couch I sat on. "Why do you care?" He quickly says but softly. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?!" I ask. "Dude you broke her heart and then months later when she managed to save up enough money, she flew to LA just to get her heart broken once again because you were too stu**d and caught up with a girl that will never love you because she loves your brother! Then Jay came back to Spain with a broken heart and guess who had to be there for her? Me!" he yells out while turning red out of anger. I sit there realizing that he's right. "I'm...sorry" i manage to say. "I'm not the one who you should be telling that to, I did it because Jay has been our best friend since we were young and she's been there for me, emilio, and you." He tells me and takes out a piece of paper and pen. I look at what he's doing but I only see that he's writing something. "I know, that's kind of why I came back to Spain" I tell him. He just looks up at me and then continues writing. "What are you doing?" I ask. He hands me the paper, "it's Jay's new address and her phone number." He says. "Thanks I tell him, give him a hug and head to Jay's.

  (Author's note 📝: chapter 54, 55, and 56 are all in the same day, just in different points of views) *Y/n's pov* (two days before y/n's birthday) I'm out jogging when I hear someone honking me. I chose to ignore it but then I hear Jake's voice so I turn around and he's in his car signaling me to come. I walk to his car window, "what's up?" I ask. "Can you get in? I need to talk to you" he says and closes his window leaving me no choice but to get in. We're in the car and for a few minutes he doesn't say much but eventually he says "I won't bother you anymore". "What?" I quickly ask. "And we don't have to go on that date anymore, I think you should be with who you truly want to be with" Jake tells me and I sit there in awe. "Jake what-" i begin to say but he interrupts me. "What made me change my mind?" He asks and quickly glances at me and I nod. "I've been watching you and I've seen how happy you are when you are with were never that happy when you were with me" he says in a really soft tone almost as if he wanted to cry. "Jake I was happy with you" I tell him and put my hand on his shoulder. "You were...until I cheated on you with madison. I've had time to think and I've realized all I want is for you to be happy...even if it means you not being with me" he says and wipes a tear off his eye. By that point, he has driven back home and we're parked in front of the house. "Thanks for caring so much about me" I tell him, kiss him on the cheek and go inside the house. 

  *Ivan's pov* I'm walking up some marble steps and I reach the house door. I ring the bell and I hear a familiar voice yell out "coming". The door opens and *Jay's pov* "Ivan?" I say and begin to feel my eyes watering. *Ivan's pov* before I could say anything, Jay jumps on me and hugs me. She lets go and goes inside the house and holds the door for me to come in. I enter. "Omg I've missed you" she says as she is walking me to some room in the house. "As have I" I tell her and she turns and smiles at me. She stops walking and I realize we're at her living room. We sit down and neither one of us says a word. She runs her fingers through her straight brown hair and looks at me with those gorgeous brown eyes of hers. I get up and very close to her. "Why are you here?" she says in a bit of an annoyed tone but mostly in a sad tone. "I thought you missed me" I reply. "I did but the last time we talked you said you were in love with someone else and you and I both know that me and you can't be 'just friends' so once again, why are you here?" she replies. I turn towards her and cup her face, "I want you back" I tell her and kiss her.

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