A picture of Matteo;
Stephan James.
***Kimberly Stratus:
"As told, after the treatment, the patient just walked off and out of the hospital. The man fled without payment, before being able to be on record, after receiving treatment for his stabbing wound. The police are on the investigation, believing that the man must have ties with the well-known mafia, probably his motive to escape." The news reporter said.
"Wow, Joanne. Isn't this the first incident that has ever been reported with Grand Oak Hospital?"
I turned away from the TV and focused back on my food. I was in the nurses' lounge having lunch with Char. Charlotte looked up from her salad and gave me a sympathetic smile.
"It's like the seventh time this story was on the news," I said, before taking a sip of my ice coffee. It's been three days passed the incident, and I haven't gotten a break. I was bombarded with questions from the police and co-workers.
"Well, it worse on the internet," Lelani said, sliding into the empty seat next to me, "You should check the hospital's home page."
"Shut up, Le," Charlotte said, flicking a piece of chicken at her.
"Hey, Kim, don't worry. The worse thing that can happen is the board getting involved." Lelani continued, gathering her silky black hair into a ponytail.
"That reminds me of the meeting I have with them," I told her as I grimaced.
Lelani gasped, dropping her hair and letting it flow down to her shoulders, "No way. I was joking; I didn't know."
"What do you think is going to happen?" Charlotte asked me.
I shrugged. I was nervous. It's practically my fault. When the man was awake, I should have gotten his information immediately. If he escapes, even after that, we would have been able to find him.
During my shift, I dread the hours that passed by. Before I knew it, I was headed toward the meeting room on the fifth floor.
Walking to where the meeting was held, I looked at my reflection in the window. I look like a zombie, my hair was yet again in a bun, and I was barefaced as ever, dark bags was highly visible under my green eyes. Looking past my reflection, I looked at the city below me. The city lights were on, illuminating the sky. Not much traffic was happening, it being one in the morning.
I made it to the conference room and walked in. A total of five people were already seated.
"Hello, Dr. Stratus." I was greeted by them.
"Hello," I replied, not knowing their names, but I was certain they were on the board.
"We are waiting for Mr. Heffling." One lady said, returning to the papers before her.
Heffling? Another member of the board? I noticed they were sitting all on one side of the table, I walked around the table and sat facing them. I looked down at my hands, moving my fingers out of nervousness.
After a couple of minutes, the door opened. I was too distracted by my uneasiness to even to realize that Mr. Heffling walked in.
"Morning, Mr. Heffling," The woman that greeted me before, spoke again.
"Sorry, everyone." Mr. Heffling apologized, "The meeting before took longer than expected."
I looked up and away from my hands on my lap at the sound of his familiar voice and refrain from gasping. I tried hiding my mix feelings of shock and worry as the CEO chose the seat facing me.
"I called for this meeting to evaluate the responsibility of the recent incident." Mr. Heffling said, "Thank you for coming."
"As we all know, as everyone says it in the media, the 'walking patient' incident happened on the watch of Dr. Stratus. Isn't that right Dr. Stratus?" Mr. Heffling asked me. He was intimidating for an old man, coming from a background of wealth and power.
"Yes, that's true."
"Due to Dr. Stratus lacking ability to proceed the proper procedure when having a patient, checking him on the system, caused the hospital to display in the news and on the internet negatively."
I've noticed that the board members had the nose in their files, writing down and scribbling. Not one piped in, only looking up once in awhile.
"Can you explain?" Mr. Heffling questioned.
"The patient had a stabbing wound that was serious, and he was losing a lot of blood, I wasn't able to get his information since he needed immediate help and was unconscious." My throat was getting dried. I felt like I was in a court room with Mr. Heffling as a judge. "After, when he woke up, I asked him if he needed anything to drink. I was looking out for the hospital by making sure the patient would have the best experience getting treated here. By the time I came back with the water, he had already fled."
"He fled without paying, without getting caught." He reminded.
"This incident has everyone talking about my hospital, questioning its functions. This hospital, since its start, was shined in its glory. This is the absolute first that we are shined in bad light." Everyone in the room can tell that Mr. Heffling was angry as he yelled.
"Someone needs to take responsibility. The police have no sign of finding that man anytime soon. This incident has to be solved and be forgotten about."
My stomach turns at the thought of that. I, for sure, was going to get fired. I shut my eyes and braced myself.
"Kimberly Jenna Stratus, you will be taking full responsibility of the 'walking patient' incident. By that, the board members and I will make it so that your licenses and your ability to practice is suspended. You are no longer considered as Dr. Stratus, but as Ms. Stratus if you ever enter this hospital again."
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Doctor for the Mafia [original]
Romantik~This is the original version of the story. Check out "The Mafia's Doctor" for the edited version. --- Kimberly Stratus was a doctor working at one of the best hospitals in America. She loses her license and ability to practice due to, as punishmen...