Kimberly Stratus:
I screamed in horror as I watched Aiden dropped to the floor, clutching his side. In the corner of my eye, I could see Emilio getting up from my push to reach for his gun that skidded away.
I jumped up from the ground and threw myself onto him, sending him crashing back down to the floor.
I can hear Aiden swearing from pain as I struggled to keep him from getting the gun.
I manage to kick him in the groin, stunning him for a couple of minutes. I got up and ran to the gun, picking it up.
With the weapon in hand, I ran to Aiden, who was lying on the ground. He was holding his torso, blood seeping through his hands.
"Aiden!" I yelled, shaking him with my free hand. "Please be alive," I begged as I put my ear close to his nose. He was faintly breathing.
"Aiden! Wake up!" I yelled, lightly slapping his face.
I was kicked off of him, Emilio's foot dug into my stomach. The attack caught me off guard, and the gun was now out of both of our reach. He didn't bother to go and get the gun because in his hand was a knife.
He kicked me once more to let me have it before stalking forward to Aiden.
Strands of hair clung to my face from the sweat. I tried to catch up with my breathing as I dragged myself across the floor. My body was screaming at me to stop, to give up. I gritted my teeth and pushed past the pain.
I turned around to see if Emilio noticed me. His back was turned to me as he began to torture Aiden, kicking him in the side.
I was gasping for air by the time my fingertips touched the gun. I sat up from my stomach and aimed for Emilio. He had raised the knife into the air, ready to plunge it into Aiden's neck.
I had both hands on me the weapon to stabilized my aim from my shaking. After pointing in the direction of Emilio, I closed my eyes and forced myself to pull the trigger multiple times.
I stopped shooting when I realized there was no longer the sound of gunshots as I pulled the trigger. I opened my eyes to see Emilio's body on the ground, bullet holes in every body part. The gunshot the missed Emilio pierced the wall in front of him.
I dropped to my knees, staring at Emilio's lifeless body.
I looked up to see Matteo running towards me. Behind him was Lorenzo who went to Aiden's aid. Matteo knelt down next to me as he wrapped his arm to comfort me.
He pulled away to talk to me, I saw Matteo speaking, but I couldn't hear anything. My blurry gaze shifted back to Emilio's body. It sank in.
I killed him. I shot Emilio. I murdered somebody.
Matteo started to shake me as I began to hyperventilate. My vision only went blurrier and darker.
I can feel my conscious slipping away. My exhaustion took over, and I was once again embraced by darkness.
I know, this chapter is really short. I wanted to leave off on a dramatic note. Don't hate me :(
Please show much love :)

Doctor for the Mafia [original]
Roman d'amour~This is the original version of the story. Check out "The Mafia's Doctor" for the edited version. --- Kimberly Stratus was a doctor working at one of the best hospitals in America. She loses her license and ability to practice due to, as punishmen...