Kimberly Stratus:
"Do you think the shooter is gone?" I whispered to Marcella.
Marcella shrugged. She looked over to Giovanni, "Not it."
"Not it." I instinctively said, not having a clue for what she was inferring.
Giovanni shot daggers, "If I get shot at again, it's your fault."
"What is he doing?" I asked Marcella as he slowly began to get up.
"Checking if the shooter left."
I gasped, pulling Giovanni down.
"No, don't," I said, shaking my head. "It's risky. Let's just wait here for a while. Let's take a look at your hand."
I took his hand, which was quite larger than mine. The cut ran diagonally through his palms.
"Okay, we should stop the bleeding," I told him as I inspected for small pieces of glass that could be stuck inside the wound.
"With what?" He asked. Then adding, as he wiggled his eyebrows, "Your shirt?"
"No," I said, pointing to his shirt, "yours."
"Why mine?" He frowned, "I'm the injured one."
Marcella rolled her eyes and grabbed a fistful of his blue shirt and began to remove it.
"Woah!" Giovanni said, playfully trying to stop her with his uninjured hand.
"Stop moving," Marcella said through her gritted teeth.
"Don't you think we are going too fast? I mean, at least take me out to dinner first!" He whined.
After hitting Giovanni in the head, Marcella managed to get the top over his head. I folded the shirt to the point where it could fit his palm and started to wrap it around. We all jolted when the sound of a gunshot sliced through the air. Seconds after, a bullet planted itself onto the hanging picture.
"Okay," I said after recovering from my shock. "The person is still there."
Giovanni flinched, tugging at the wrapped shirt. I must have accidentally tightened it as I jumped from the unexpected attack.
"Sorry," I apologized as I loosened it.
"It's okay. I like it tight anyway." He said as he did his signature winking and lip licking.
"The cut isn't that deep, so you won't need stitches," I assured him as I ignored his comment.
"But when I go deep, you'll need to get them sti-"
"Shhh!" I told him as I lifted my pointer finger to my lips, interrupting his inappropriate comment.
Footsteps came from inside the kitchen, and I remembered about Aiden. Soon enough, he came barging into the dining room.
"Aiden!" I yelled, "Under here."
I crawled from the center of the table to the edge, poking my head from under the table.
"Kimberly?"Aiden asked, "What are you doing under there?"
Aiden was holding a plate of food. How did he not hear what was going on from inside the kitchen? His eyes found Giovanni's broken plate and his pile of blood on the floor. His expression changed from confused to concerned.
"Is that blood? Are you okay?" He asked as he took a step forward towards me. I turned my head towards the window and realized he had stepped in plain view.
"Aiden, no!" I got up from under the table and jumped at Aiden before a gun went off.
The shooter must have realized that no one had left the room and began to shoot everywhere wildly. Bullets flew from every direction, not sure where to land. I covered my ears as I protected my head with my arms from the fly debris. Aiden and I were at an untouchable place, the corner that hid from the window's view. Marcella flipped the table, using to barricade Giovanni and herself.
I heard sounds of multiple gun shootings. Other places in the house must be attacked.
"How many are outside?" I asked.
"I got a glimpse," Aiden told me, "It looked like a handful."
"We have to get out of here," I shouted to Marcella and Giovanni.
"Well, duh." A voice said.
I looked at the doorway of our exit to see the recognizable, tall man.
"Toni!" I yelled, gladly. I was relieved when I saw the gun in his hand.
"You guys go. I have your back." He said aiming out of the window, shooting at every settled aim.
Marcella and Giovanni were first to run out, being closest to the exit. I followed behind Aiden, running as I crouched and protected my face. I followed them to the parked cars in front, noticing that few were missing. By the looks of it, It seems like everyone left already. Everybody piled into the car.
I was too scared to function what was to happen when I hopped into the driver seat. I was quick to regret it.
"Kimberly! GO!" Marcella shouted in my ear from behind me as she looked out the window for any signs of the attackers.
"Aiden, switch spots with me," I begged.
"We don't have time for this, Let's get going!" Aiden yelled as he buckled his seat belt.
"I really can't!" I said, refusing.
"Just go!" They all screamed in unison.
Panicking, I turned on the engine with the keys that were already in the keyhole. I didn't have my driving license with me, nor the experience of driving a getaway car.
I drove towards the town, looking in the rearview mirror. After entering the town, I noticed a blue car tailing us.
"Guys," I said, my heart racing.
"It's all good. That's Toni driving." Marcella informed me after sticking her head out to wave at Antonio.
"Where's the other safe house at?" I asked. I was now comfortable for driving now since I didn't have to do the car chases scene found in every action movie. I could feel that everyone had relaxed too.
The light turned red after yellow, and I forced the car to a stop. I took this time to look in the rearview mirror to see that Toni was no longer behind me. He had sped up passed us and the red light, honking as he did.
"Huh?" Confused to the sudden outburst.
"Kimberly, go!" Aiden yelled.
"What?" I asked alarmed.
"Fuck me." I cursed, realizing that it was a warning.
"Gladly," Giovanni replied.
"Fuck off," Marcella said
"Alone?" He frowned.
I looked at the red light in front of me and to the three black cars that drove side by side towards us. I gritted my teeth, and I stepped on the pedal, as I tried to recall all the car chases in all the Fast and Furious movie.
I know, I haven't updated in five days.
School is a pain :(

Doctor for the Mafia [original]
Romance~This is the original version of the story. Check out "The Mafia's Doctor" for the edited version. --- Kimberly Stratus was a doctor working at one of the best hospitals in America. She loses her license and ability to practice due to, as punishmen...