~This is the original version of the story. Check out "The Mafia's Doctor" for the edited version.
Kimberly Stratus was a doctor working at one of the best hospitals in America. She loses her license and ability to practice due to, as punishmen...
I picked the most fabricated lingerie set to wear underneath the white shirt and skinny jeans I chose, which I placed on the sink's counter top.
I stepped into the shower, turning the knob and the streams of cold water splashed on to my skin. I yelped and jumped to the far corner to avoid the wrath of the freezing water, occasionally putting my hands back in to test out the temperature.
Once the water became bearable, I began to wash, scrubbing my face first. Looking at my hand afterward, it was stained black from my mascara. Realizing that I slept with my makeup on, I cringed at the thought of what my skin is going to do to me. My poor pores.
I was done showering and dressing and felt adventurous. I walked into the empty room, putting on my heels. Since I was going to be staying here for the next three months, I should get a look around.
I opened my door, quietly as possible, and crouched down, poking my head out. I looked left to see that the huge, long hall was empty.
As I turned my head right to check the other side of the corridor, I heard someone asked me, "Not trying to escape again are you?"
There was Matteo, leaning on the wall, the right of the door.
"No, I just wanted to check this place out," I said, straightening my shirt as I got up from my crouching position.
Matteo only raised his eyebrow and walked off down the hall.
"Wait, where are you going?" I asked, following him.
"This is the third floor." He said, not answering my question, as he made it to the stairs case. "Up is the fourth, which is the highest floor. There's nothing to see there, just rooms."
He walked down the stairs, and I was right behind.
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"Second floor. There's a library, meeting room, and where your office is going to be." He told me before continuing downwards.
I took the time to lean over the stairs and look up. A chandelier that stood as the main light fixture for the stairs hung from a see through ceiling.
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