Kimberly Stratus:
It was 9 pm. The meeting held for discussing the plan was in an hour. Everyone was told to pack one bag. I was rummaging through my office, packing.
Marcella walked in, carrying a gun.
"Here." She told me, forcefully handing it to me. "Look, I know about the whole 'not killing people' thing, but you shouldn't come with us without protection."
I shook my head, "Why would I need it? I'm only there to help you guys when someone gets hurt."
"You heard what was said in the letter, no matter who Stollo comes across he will hurt them," Marcella argued.
"No, I can't," I said, still refusing.
"Fine." She gave up, "Please just take this then."
She dug into her pocket, pulling out a knife.
"You can injure people with it, kill if you have to." She said, handing it to me.
I was mid way putting the weapon in my bag.
"Don't put it in your bag!"
I sighed, closing the bag. I lifted the bottom of my shirt to reveal my jean pocket.
"You got to be kidding me." She rolled her eyes.
I threw my hands in the air, "Well? Where am I supposed to put it."
She pointed to my chest as if that was the obvious answer.
"My bra?"
"If this thing opens and cuts my nipple off, I'm blaming you."
Matteo Casciani:
I turned to my right, in the seat next to me was Kimberly. You can tell she was nervous, gripping the bag that sat on her lap.
I looked back to the front, focusing on my father speaking.
"I told him I was accepting his offer. I will be giving Lorenzo, Jaime, Theo, Matteo, and Alessandro." My dad said, "Although, I said the exchange would happen tomorrow's night. So he won't be suspecting out surprise today."
It took an hour to go over the details of the plan. We were to arrive at Stollo's mafia house and surround them by foot. Kill as many men as possible, declaring it was war between us.
Kimberly Stratus:
When we arrived at Stollo's mafia house, we were joined by other members of the mafia. Many unfamiliar faces surrounded me as I stepped out of the car.
I tried my best not to panic. There were some much people, what if I wasn't able to save them all. I tried to focus on the stars to calm my uneasiness. It was really dark, it being midnight. The only source of light was coming from inside the house, which was almost a big as our place.
Aiden sensed my nervousness, "Don't worry. If they do get shot, they're probably going to die right away. Stollo's men are known for their accuracy."
That didn't calm me down what so ever.I was putting on my ear piece when I looked down to see what he was fidgeting with.
"What's that?" I asked as I pointed to the black object in his hand.
"A bomb." He said. Aiden lifted up his other hand to show me a remote with a red button in the middle.
"Are you ready?" Leo asked Aiden through the ear piece.
Who decided to trust Aiden with a bomb? I tried to put out the fires on doubt in my mind as I watched him aim for the open window on the second floor of the building.
Fortunately for us, unfortunately for them, the bomb successfully entered the house. We heard the explosion from inside, along with shouting. Then, it went silent. I looked around to see that everyone was still.
"What we waiting for?" I asked, whispering to Aiden.
I heard some wrestling coming from behind us. I turned around and came face to face with Marcella.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, remembering that she was placed on the south side of the building.
"They moved me." She shrugged. "We're waiting for their move."
"Guys, the door is opening." Someone said, alerting us through the small devices.
An angry man walked out slowly with his hands in the air. It was clear that he didn't agree to surrender.
"They're surrendering," I told everybody. "What do we do now? Pack up and leave?"
"Lorenzo, shoot him," Matteo ordered through the ear piece. Looking away from the man, I made eye contact with Matteo, who wasn't that far away.
"He's surrendering, though?" I questioned his order.
He looked away, breaking contact, "That's not what we came for."
Lorenzo aimed and got the man in the neck, instantly killing him.
All hell broke loose as the man hit the ground.
I shouldn't be smiling because I know what's going to happen in the next chapter !)
Please show much love <3

Doctor for the Mafia [original]
Romance~This is the original version of the story. Check out "The Mafia's Doctor" for the edited version. --- Kimberly Stratus was a doctor working at one of the best hospitals in America. She loses her license and ability to practice due to, as punishmen...