Ch. 2

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Kimberly Stratus:

Remembering how heated the argument was, I grew concerned. I carefully walked towards the man on the ground and gasped. The first thing that came into sight was the fast growing blood stain located at his stomach. I quickly crouched down by his side and checked his pulse, noticing how torn up his fist were.

"Sir, I'm a doctor. I'm going to have to remove your shirt to help you." I informed him.

"Mmm." He replied, too much in pain to speak.

"I need you to stay with me. I need you to stay awake." I told him as I lifted his shirt, revealing his long and thick cut. He must have been stabbed.

 I took off my cardigan and pressed it against his wound, at the same time I reached into my purse and grabbed my phone. I speed dialed Char, who picked up on the third ring.

"Where are you? It's already 1:45, Dr. Yasmin had to perform a surgery witho-"

"Charlotte, send an ambulance down the street to the alley of the convenience store and the pet shop."

"What happened?" Charlotte asked.

"I found a man who was stabbed. Hurry, he's losing a lot of blo-"

I was stopped when the man yanked my phone, making me jump from surprise.

"No hospitals." He forced the words out of him. After ending the call, he went back limp, exhausted by the strength he had used up.

"Don't worry. Everything is going to be okay. There is nothing to be scared off at the hospital. We are here to help you."

Matteo Casciani:

If I weren't in so much pain, I would be laughing at what the helping woman above me just said.

I wasn't scared of the hospital. It's just men like me, in the mafia, couldn't afford to go to the hospital.

It's one of the many ways to get caught. Your name goes into the hospital record, the police finds it, and then next thing you know, you're no longer in a hospital bed but a cellar bunk.

I tried focusing on my breathing, wincing every time the woman applied harder pressure onto my cut.

Fucking Riccardo.

As I got lifted into the ambulance, my vision became blurry, and I tried blinking it away but as I did my eyelids grew heavier.

I was still able to hear if anything the sounds amplified through my ears. Why the fuck is the ambulance siren so loud?

Kimberly Stratus:

On the ride to the hospital in the back of the ambulance, I examined the man. His brown hair was tousled, faint bruises started to appear on his face, and sweat covered every inch of his body. Even in this situation, his aura was still uninviting, cold, and intimidating.

We rolled him into an open room and began to start the check up. I had three nurses at my aid; one nurse was scrambling for supplies, the other was attaching the man to the IV and monitor as the last nurse wrote quickly on the patient's clipboard.

I took this time to analyze the wound. Luckily, the knife got nowhere near vital organs. The man was fit, so the cut ran through his six pack, only tearing his skin and muscles.

I estimated about 17 stitches for the long cut. Lifting up my mouth mask, I began working on the wound.

Matteo Casciani:

I woke up to the smell of strong disinfectant and the sight of white walls.

Movement by the open door caught my attention.  A doctor was standing in the doorway. She had her brown hair messily in a bun, wearing the basic doctor uniform.

"How are you feeling?"

Like shit. I was feeling lightheaded, and there was major aching down at my stomach.

"Better," I replied, sounding raspy.

"I'm Dr. Stratus." The woman introduced herself, "Can I get you anything? "

"Ice water."

"Okay, I will be right back."

I recognized her voice from the alleyway. So she was the one who helped me.

I lifted my shirt and looked down at my cut was now closed up with stitches. Dr. Stratus probably did these. 

I moved my legs, checking the strength in them.  Then, I sat up and realized I was attached to a bunch of wires.  I quickly took them off, including the IV needle.

In one rugged movement, I tried my best to stay upright. Standing took much energy. I step forward and easily lost my balance.

"Fucking gravity," I swore.

Time to get out of here before they start asking for my identity.

Kimberly Stratus:

I made my way to the cafeteria, grabbing a cup of ice water for the patient. When I get back there, I'll need to get his name and information.

"Did he get surgery?" Charlotte asked me, catching me in front of the patient's room.

"No, stitches." I corrected her, shaking my head.

"Oh, that's good." She said. That's when I realized she was struggling to hold seven pillows.

"Are you going to sleep in the nurse lounge again?" I snickered.

"No. Romania is cranky as ever. She complains about how uncomfortable the bed is. I bet she just wants to make my shift miserable."

"Charlotte, Romania is calling for you." One of her colleagues said.

"See." Char sighed, "Bye."

I knocked on the door before heading in. I placed the cup on the bedside table and turned to an empty bed. The wires to the monitor were spread out on the floor, along with the IV tube. I quickly walked to the bathroom to the room and knocked on the door.

"Sir, are you in there?"

No response. I opened the door to find it empty.

"Dr. Stratus, what's wrong?" A nurse asked, coming from behind me. Curious at why I was standing in the bathroom.

"The patient is gone."

Chapters will get longer, I promise.
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