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a month after graduation

(name) rushed out of the door as soon as she saw the mailman leave. she had been waiting for the arrival of her letter for a week already. looking through the envelopes as she walked back into the house, there printed on the envelope, California Institute of the Arts. her heart skipped a beat. she immediately plopped down onto the sofa and ripped the envelope addressed to her open. taking a deep breath, she read the contents of the letter.

Ms (name)

Congratulations! On behalf of the faculty and staff of California Institute of the Arts, it is with great pleasure that I inform you of your admission to CIA. You were selected from an extraordinarily accomplished and academically talented group of applicants who applied to CIA and sent in their portfolios.

(name) didn't bother reader the rest. seeing 'congratulations' was already enough to make her squeal.

"mom!" (name) yelled, gripping the letter in her hands.

"yes, dear?" her mother came out from the kitchen, curious to why her daughter was yelling for her.

"i got in," (name) looked at her mother and smiled, waving the letter at her.

"oh sweetie! congratulations! come here," her mother was happy for her child that she was able to pursue her dream. she hugged her child tight, ruffling her hair. "mom is so proud of you," she smiles.

"thanks mom," (name) was thankful that she had parents who supported her dreams. she kinda felt sad that yoongi's parents didn't support his dreams and degrades him for having such dreams.

letting go from the hug, her mom spoke, "i suppose you're going to tell yoongi now?"

"yeah," a small smile formed on (name)'s lips.

"have fun dear. come back before dinner okay? we'll go celebrate outside with dad," her mother waved at her child and got back to prepare lunch for her and her husband.


(name) quickly came over to the min's house. lucky for her, yoongi was out of the house, raking the leaves from his front yard.

"min yoongay!" (name) called out to her friend and rushed to him, jumping on to his back and hugging him tightly.

"yah! what the fuck, (name). min yoongay?" yoongi dropped the rake and tried to balance himself with (name) on his back. (name) let out a giggle in his displeasure.

(name) rested her head on his shoulder, her cheek against the crook of his neck. "i got accepted into CIA," (name) finally spoke.

"really? that's great! you wanted it, right?" yoongi was really proud of his friend. he knew that she was going to be accepted anyway and had to mentally prepare for the news and the outcome of you leaving.

"yeah," (name) smiled.

"i'm proud of you," yoongi reached to pat her head.

"i know," she let out a small laugh as she hoisted herself higher as she felt herself falling.

"yah! when are you going to stop being a koala?" yoongi stood still, helping her get up by supporting her thighs.

"i'll get off when i feel like it," (name) smirked, hugging him even more.

"i'll dump you in the pile of leaves," yoongi threatened.

"do it."

"you asked for it," yoongi smirked.

yoongi walked over to the pile of leaves he just raked. he quickly pried (name's) arms away from him causing (name) to lose her balance and fall onto the pile.

"min yoongi!" she yelled as she fell onto the leaves.

yoongi just laughed at his friend but got interrupted when (name) grabbed his arm and pulled him down. he fell face flat into the pile of leaves with (name) laughing hysterically.

"yah! i'll have to rake this again!" he complained.

"karma, you little shit," (name) smirked as yoongi sat up and dusted the leaves off himself.

"you're helping me," yoongi claimed.

"huh? but i have to go soon eheh-" (name) tried to get up and leave.

"it's not even close to dinner time, (name)," yoongi pulled her back down.

"fine," (name) pouted as she lay down on the leaves.

"cute," yoongi muttered.

"what was that?"

"i called you cute," yoongi stated, looking at (name).

"you're so blunt about it!" (name) exclaimed as she hid her face in her hands, embarrassed.

"mm but it's true though," he gave his gummy smile as he moved her hands away from her face.

"you're way more cute with that gummy smile," (name) laughed.

"okay, okay. we're both cute," yoongi chuckled, giving a peace sign.

(name) blushed slightly and quickly got up to avoid yoongi noticing.

"c'mon, lets clean up this mess," (name) held out her hand to him.

"alright," he grabbed her hand and got up.

the two began raking the leaves and stuffing them into trash bags. it took a long time as they were still messing around with the leaves. they had lots of fun though.

"yoongi~ i have to go now," (name) reminded the boy as he was tying the trash bags.

"oh. of course. see you later," yoongi smiled at her.

(name) ran over to yoongi and gave a quick kiss on his cheek before she left, "see you~"

yoongi stood still. his hand touched the spot where she kissed him. despite being really comfortable with each other, he still blushed at the affectionate actions they do towards each other. do best friends kiss each other freely?

(name)-ah, why are you shaking up my heart?



i either get really satisfied with my writing or it's just one big cringe fest. i'm not too proud of this chapter cause it's mostly a filler chapter but i hope it's good


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