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yoongi fiddled with his phone, tapping the screen as he tried to remember (name)'s e-mail address. he looked out the window to stare at the day sky. it's been months since they've last contacted. he hated being away from her. he was just so busy, he couldn't even skype her at an appropriate timing. he even lost her number after changing his phone. he had asked his parents to get in contact with her but they haven't gotten back to him. he couldn't send her gifts anymore as they had to keep the dorm address a secret. maybe after promotions he'd ask the manager if he could use big hit's company address instead.

he decided to give his mother a call as he hadn't done so in a few days. surprisingly, his mother called first. he picked up the call to hear his mother exclaiming something about (name). he nearly jumped in excitement but held it in. he thanked his mother and said 'i love you' before hanging up. he had a big smile plastered on his face.

"what's going on?" jin asked his roommate.

"i finally got (name)'s contact," he replied happily.

"really? that's great! you should contact her asap!" jin exclaimed, happy for his friend.

"i will," yoongi smiled as he plopped onto the chair and immediately dialed her number. it was probably late at night in america but knowing (name), she'd stay up on a weekend.

"hello?" that wasn't (name)'s voice...

"mina?" he asked.

"yes. (name) is out for a walk and left her phone. who's this?"

"it's yoongi."

"yoongi? min yoongi?! where in the world have you been? do you know (name) has been hella depressed? what happened?" mina rambled on.

"mina! calm down. i'll explain but uh- when will (name) be back?" he asked sheepishly.

"maybe in a few minutes or so? i'll tell her everything don't worry," mina reassured.

"thanks mina. tell her to call back soon yeah?"

mina laughed, "knowing her, she'll call you almost immediately once i explain to her what happened."

yoongi let out a chuckle, "see you soon yeah." click

the now red-haired man let out a sigh of relief. he's so glad he managed to reconnect with (name). he couldn't wait to talk to her again.


"what?! he called?" (name) exclaimed, stumbling over her bed to get her phone.

"woah, woah. calm down!" mina laughed at her friend.

(name) hurriedly took her phone and looked at her contacts. a new contact was added, yoongi boo with a bunch of cringe-y love emojis.

"mina, what the fuck?"

mina laughed at (name)'s reaction as she changed the contact to shitty yoongs.

"shut up! i'm going to call him now," (name) hushed her friend, excited to call her best friend.

"okay okay i'm going to sleep. don't do anything noisy," mina joked as (name) stared at her disbelievingly.

"MIN YOONGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" (name) yelled into the phone as he picked up the call.

"oh my god shut the fuck up," mina yelled.

"shitty yoongi how dare you!" (name) ignored mina and continued yelling.

"yah! i'm really sorry (name)! stop yelling!" yoongi yelled back.

"yah! you stop yelling!"

"jesus christ! stop it!" mina groaned in the background.

"yah yoongi, stop yelling," jin's voice could also be heard.

"woah, is that seokjin? hello kim seokjin! i love you!" (name) yelled, hoping the said man could here her.

"the fuck? you don't love me now?" yoongi faked a cry as jin laughed in the background.

"me? love you? huuuuuu... of course i love you~ jin is just my bias," the girl taunted him.

"i'm hurt," he exclaimed dramatically, "you're going to be mine. don't you dare forget that!"

"aigo- how can i forget if there's a band of metal on my finger reminding me everyday?" (name) smiled as she looked at the ring on the finger.

"i can't believe you still wear it after everything i've done to you." yoongi was surprised.

"yeah yeah i love you. you owe me big time," (name) huffed.

"i promise i'll make it up to you!"

"i'll keep the favor for another time. don't forget it!"

the two friends talked for a long time. updating each other with their lives and projects. (name) was doing well in school and joined many competitions, winning cash prizes and featuring in magazines and on social media. she was kinda internet famous now. yoongi was doing well, composing music, rapping and dancing.  they couldn't wait to see each other soon.



What was supposed to be an angst book turned to 70% fluff?


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