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it has been a month after yoongi's audition and (name)'s classes had already begun. yoongi was chosen out of the many participants. he had shared the news with (name) and she was proud for him. they had celebrated over skype of course though it was short lived. yoongi had training almost immediately to prepare for his group's debut. (name) also had classes to attend and was too busy getting used to her hectic schedule. they tried to contact each other over the weekends but they were too tired from their own schedules and time-zones were a thing.


"ne~ haven't you contacted yoongi?" mina asked as she handed (name) her tea. 

"he's busy," (name) stated, staring blankly into her cup. 

"don't you guys text?"

"he takes a while to reply. besides, i know he's training hard to achieve his dream so i don't want to bother him too much," she said nonchalantly.

"he's like your best friend lover thing. i'm sure he wouldn't mind talking to you again," mina reassured. 

"maybe i'll text him later." (name) had only said that so mina would keep asking. she didn't want to talk about it too often. she already knew it was going to happen; being miles apart and all. she was just being understanding and supportive of yoongi. 

(name) took out he ring and fiddled with it, twirling around. texting yoongi was difficult. he would take hours or days to reply. he gets so tired after training and (name) didn't want to bother him when he couldn't even give her attention. she'd wait for after yoongi debuts and hopefully they'll get back into contact. she still received care packages from him so it was okay. 


3 years later, yoongi and his group had debuted. they were known as bangtan sonyeondan. as soon as (name) heard the news, she immediately tried to get into contact with yoongi, hoping to congratulate him for his hard work. 

(name) :

yoongi! congratulations! your debut was amazing. i missed you so much :)

(+82) xxx-xxxx :

the number (+82) xxx-xxxx is no longer in service. 

(name) was confused as to why he couldn't be contacted. had he changed his phone? he would have informed her right? he no longer sent care packages and he had no longer lived with his parents. that made it even more difficult to get back in contact with him. their parents couldn't get in contact with him either. (name) held the ring in her palm. she stared at the metal band, looking at the letters engraved into the piece - yoongi's.

(name) decided to walk out of the dorm to get some fresh air. she made her way to the yard and sat on the bench. she stared up into the night sky, looking at the shining stars. it reminded her back of home. she hoped that maybe, yoongi would be looking at the same sky too. (name) felt anxious as time passed by. she felt alone despite mina always being there for her. she was thankful for having mina around. mina once told her, 'dream, you will fully bloom after all the hardships.' (name) wanted to hold on longer but made a promise to not let it affect her efforts to achieve her own dreams. mina cheered her on and was sure that (name) will be successful no matther where in the world she was in.

(name) stood up, wanting to go back to her dorm. she smiled, silently made a wish as she saw a shooting star. she hoped for more good days.



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