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"(name)-ah! are you ready yet?" her mother called from downstairs.

"in a minute!" she yells as she zipped her luggage.

she stuffed her valuables in her bag and grabbed her luggage. she hurried down the stairs to be greeted by her mother.

"(name)-ah, i'm so sorry we couldn't send you off," her mother hugged her daughter.

"it's okay mom. i know you and dad are busy with work," (name) gave her mom a smile.

"i'm glad. at least the mins are able to send you to the airport. you'll have more time with yoongi," her mother stated, ruffling (name)'s hair.

"y-yeah," (name) blushed slightly, a small smile formed on her face.

"time to go honey. take care of yourself okay? we love you," (name)'s father hugged her.

"study hard! if you need more money just call okay?" her mother joined the hug.

"yah. i love you too mom, dad. thank you!"

(name) puts on her sneakers and left the house. she spotted yoongi waiting for her in front of his family car.

"hey you," (name) greeted.

"hey (name)," yoongi gave a small smile and helped his friend put the luggage in the trunk.

he opened the car door, "after you."

"oh my~ is this really min yoongi? this guy is being such a gentleman," (name) teased and let out a laugh.

"yah! i'm being nice for once you little shit," yoongi exclaimed.

"oh, he's back," (name) smirked at him.

"hello uncle, aunty," (name) greeted his parents as she entered the car. "thanks for sending me off to the airport," she added, grateful for their help.

"hello (name)! it's no problem! are you excited?" mrs min asks.

"ah, i'm a little nervous," (name) let out a small laugh.

"i'm sure you'll do great. you're a bright girl, (name)," mr min reassured the girl. "right yoongi?" he added.

"sure," yoongi muttered, fiddling with his phone.


they soon arrived at the airport. after getting all of (name)'s stuff, yoongi's parents had to leave.

"take care, (name)!"

"i will! thank you!" she called out to them as they drove off.

it was only (name) and yoongi now. he was holding a paper bag but (name) didn't question it. he helped pull her luggage along.

"when's your flight? shall we have lunch?" yoongi asked.

"i have an hour to spare so let's go!" (name) grabbed his hand and led him inside.

the airport was crowded, yoongi's fingers intertwined with hers. (name) blushed slightly but avoided his gaze as she looked for a mc donald's. lucky for them, the fast food restaurant wasn't too crowded. they sat down in a corner, away from majority of the customers.

"nuggets?" yoongi asked as (name) sat down.


(name) looked at the brown paper bag opposite her. she was curious to what was in there. she didn't want to intrude though. she decided to leave the bag alone.

"your nuggets have arrived~" yoongi placed the tray down.

"thanks yoongs," (name) gave him a smile and took a bite of a nugget.

they chatted as they ate, joking around. heck, they even fed each other nuggets. that made them receive glances from other customers near them.

"y'know, i'm gonna miss you so bad. why'd you have to leave me (name)?" yoongi whined.

"awh, yoongi.. we've discussed this already," (name) pouted, looking at her sad friend.

"i know... you'll have to call me everyday okay?" he requested, looking at her.

"alright, alright. of course i will," (name) reassured him, holding his hand.

"i got you something," he said, grabbing the paper bag and placing it on the table.

"so it was for me," (name) thought as she looked inside.

it was a mini care package. there was a kumamon plushie to remember him by. there was a scrapbook, made by the both of them but yoongi kept it. it contained pictures of the both of them when they were kids and was updated with unglams of each other in the book. lastly, there was an envelope in which yoongi had told her to read it when she had landed.

"you really didn't have too, yoongi," (name) was touched.

"i wanted to though," he shrugged.

"thank you," a smile formed on her face.

"c'mon, you don't wanna miss your flight do you?" yoongi got up. "it'll be good if you did though," he chuckled.

"yah! rude!" (name) hit his arm.

"sorry, sorry!"

"let's go~"

they held hands as they walked to the departure gate, swinging their arms along the way. just before (name) could leave, yoongi stopped her, still holding onto her hand.

"i've got one last thing for you," yoongi spoke as he let go of her hand.

"what is it?"

"a promise ring," yoongi took out a pretty silver ring. it had a crown design and a tiny (birth gemstone) in the middle.

(name) blushed as he slid the ring onto her finger.

"the lady at the store said it's what you give the girl you love. it means i want to marry you someday," yoongi explained shyly. "i love you, (name)."

"yoongi... you're so cute. i love you too," (name) smiled, her eyes watery.

"also, i'm stealing your first kiss," yoongi claimed.


before (name) could say anything, yoongi had cupped her face and already planted his lips to hers. she was shocked at first but kissed him back. his lips were soft, she enjoyed it. the kiss was short but sweet.

"yah! don't do that suddenly," (name) pouted and crossed her arms,blushing as yoongi laughed, his smile widening.

"you're mine now. i'll do what i want," yoongi smirked at the girl.

"i'll miss you," (name) hugged him tight, burying her head into his chest, the smell of his cologne overwhelmed her.

"and so will i," yoongi kissed the top of her head.

"take care, (name). i'll be waiting for you," he called after her as she entered the departure hall.

(name) blew him a kiss and waved at him. yoongi smiled and watched as she disappeared in the crowd.



im soft, someone save me

i want a guy to give me a promise ring hahaaaa

im already happy living the fact that i have a chance of marrying kim seokjin :')


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