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(a/n im so proud of this maN- he's gotten so far in lifE i just want to hUG this precious beiNG)

he was a little bit nervous. it was almost his turn to perform his audition piece. he hoped he looked okay. he was only wearing a green striped polo and he had his hair gelled up. he felt his phone vibrate and took it out. it was a message from (name).

shitty <3 :

yoongi fighting! good luck for the audition today! i'll always support you! love you <3

he smiled at the text. she was too cute, he's lowkey soft. he decided to reply after his turn and kept his phone. it was his turn already. his music began playing and he performed his heart out.\


(name) was beat. she and mina had spent the day decorating the dorm. it looked good though. they looked through tumblr for inspiration and the aesthetics. It was 3 in the morning. Rubbing her eyelids, she let out a yawn as she stirred her cup of tea. She wasn't a fan of coffee and tea seems better. Taking sips from her cup, she scanned through the suggested youtube videos, hoping to find something to watch other than repeated episodes of anime. Sighing, she closed the page and placed her cup in the sink.

she wanted to call yoongi but he was getting ready for the audition. she had left him a text but he didn't reply. she decided to text him again.


shitty <3 :

you little shit you left me on read

glossy :

lol it was my turn

shitty <3 :

oh! how'd it go?

glossy :

okay i guess

shitty <3 :

i'm sure you'll get in! share with me your experience! :O

glossy :

go to sleep

shitty <3 :


shitty <3 :

i want to talk to youuuuuu <33333333

glossy :

goodnight bitch

shitty <3 :

what a hoe

glossy :

i love you

shitty <3 :

love you too bitch

gloss :


shitty <3 :

k nites <3


he kept his phone in his pocket as he left the building. he hated time zones. why did they have to be so many miles apart and 16 hours apart? that wasn't fair. he wanted to see her at every time of the day. he missed her presence; her laugh, her hugs, her silly shenanigans, her.

he felt good after the audition. he felt that he performed well despite his slight hesitation at the start. he even met a saxophone player who auditioned too. he came from daegu, that was cool. he couldn't wait until the results came out. he wanted to share good news with (name) and possibly celebrate with her in a way.



short chapter! school has started so i'm gonna be busy! i hope to be able to update often though

also- media mm


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