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it has been four years since they've united again. (name) and mina had graduated and would return back to korea in a week or so. bts was successful as ever with their hyyh albums and tours.

currently, bts were touring in america. the two best friends had planned to meet for awhile despite their busy schedules. (name) had her art piece featured in an art exhibit and invited yoongi and mina. yoongi however had a concert that day and was worried he couldn't make it. of course, (name) knew about this. she had to be understanding too since she also couldn't attend the concert.

mina was helping (name) get ready for the evening. she was in the midst of curling (name)'s hair whilst (name) was video calling her parents. they were congratulating her regarding the graduation and the exhibit. they hung up soon after so that (name) could get ready.

"excited?" mina asked as she applied light make up onto her friend's face.

"nervous but yeah, i'm hella excited," the girl smiled, twirling her hair.

"i'm so proud of you!" mina hugged her from the back.

"ah~ i'm proud of you too. take many pictures yeah?" 

"of course i will. you're updating that scrapbook anyway," mina gave her a smile.

"let's get going~" (name) got up and grabbed her friend's hand.


yoongs :

(name), i think i'll be able to make it today <3

(name) :

really?! you don't have to if you can't though...

yoongs :

stfu. i'll be coming don't worry

(name) :

alright <3

(name) :

see you there

(name) couldn't wait to see yoongi again. it's been forever since they've physically met in person. it was the only opportunity to meet him since he was touring nearby. he should have extra time right? if not, she could have just visited his hotel room or something. he would need permission for that though.

it has been 2 hours into the event. many people had been looking at the exhibits being featured. there were even 2 investors interested in (name)'s pieces. mina of course was busy taking pictures of (name) and other pieces. (name) would update yoongi on what was happening though he hasn't replied yet.


(name) kept looking at her phone, checking the time. the exhibit was going to close soon. mina was done with her shift and was waiting with (name) for yoongi to appear. (name) turned off her phone and held mina's hand, tugging on it.

"let's go," she said softly.

"oh (name)... let's go back," mina gave (name) a quick hug before heading off.

they walked slowly through the night, heading back to the dorm. the two friends didn't talk on the way there but it was a comfortable silence. it was a quiet night; the moon was out with a few stars in the sky. the road was brightly lit from the lamp posts and apartment lights from the windows. (name) looked up at the night sky, making a wish. she bumped into some one, losing her balance but mina held onto her just in time.

"s-sorry," (name) muttered.

the hooded man didn't even acknowledge her and ran off to the direction they came from.

"we're almost there. you should rest okay?" mina told her friend as she took pictures of the night sky. (name) only hummed in reply.


yoongi was very late. he got tired from the concert and fell asleep. even though jin attempted to wake him up, he still slept through them. he was sure (name) wouldn't forgive him this time. he pulled up his hood and ran towards the location given to him. he checked his messages and saw all the updates from her. her last text being , "i'm going home".

"fuck," he cursed as he saw the now deserted building.

the workers were already beginning to take down all the decorations and exhibits. just before he left, he saw a familiar painting. it was the one (name) worked on for her portfolio. he didn't notice the two figures in the painting and realized that it represented the two of them. he turned around, adjusting his hood and began walking back to his hotel. he couldn't even call (name) and it was his last day in the state. 


(name) sat up on her bed once mina fell asleep. she grabbed the scrapbook from the shelf and flipped through them. she looked through all the pictures from when they were young children to teenagers. was it a mistake to wait so long for a relationship? does he still have feelings for her? she didn't want to regret anything. she looked at the ring on her finger. he promised right? he always kept his promises. she kissed the tiny gem on the ring and looked out the window. she had wished to meet yoongi again and restart everything.



oops, angst. 

this book is ending and i may plan an alternate ending? which means angst ending but-

if not i'll make a bonus chapter.


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