Chapter 7

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A/N: This is short, really short! This is not the exact chapter 7 I've made with the whole story but this will do, I think. I'm sorry to make you all wait! Here it is! The New Chapter 7! Thank you very much for being patient! I'll be posting the other chapters! Enjoy!


Ripcord sat quietly with his head bowed down. He just got scolded by General Hawk for running around the HQ naked and shouting like a lunatic.

Fidi and the other members of the Alpha members enjoyed the scenario very much. Roadblock made sure to record everything with his camera.

General Hawk glared at Ripcord before starting "I've called you here because I have a new mission for you"

The Alpha team, except for Ripcord, stared at General and listened sternly

"We've got intel that Cobra commander is planning something again" The General sighed and placed a leather folder at the desk "As all you know, we've failed to take him to custody, back at the Zeus incident"

"It was my fault, I let him escape" Roadblock said, sighing, showing guilt for his actions

"It's fine Roadblock" The General reassured "The safety of the world is GI JOE's top priority. Let's just hope that we can take him for now this time" he said and looked back at the screen where a strange photo of a cylinder holding a blue liquid is displayed "Cobra commander called this mechanism Valkyrie. The cylinder serves as the container and protection of the liquid inside. The intel told us that this liquid is dangerous, really dangerous. One drop and it could eat the whole Russia in a matter of a minute"

"Like the nanomites?" Scarlett asked

General Hawk nodded his head "Like the nanomites but much faster and stronger. We don't know where Cobra Commander is hiding and we need to find him ASAP" The screen flashed, two profile appeared in front of them "These men.. Erik Moreau and Xander Romanov are our leads for this case. One of our intel informed us that these two was caught making contact with Cobra Commander's men. I'll be giving you three days to take them here, ALIVE. I won't accept any failures, we need to get the information" he said and looked at the Alpha team who nodded their heads in understanding "Duke? Do you have any plans?"

Duke stood up "We'll be dividing the group in to two. Lady Jaye, Snake Eyes, Fidi and I will be going to France to pursue Erik while Roadblock, Scarlett, Ripcord and Flint will be pursuing Xander Romanov. The rest stay here for back up, we'll call you if we need help" he said and everyone nod their head once

"Okay, GI JOE" General Hawk said and everyone stood up and made a salute "It's time to save the world again, hurrah?"


General Hawk dismissed the group and the Alpha team quickly readied themselves for their flight. Fidi packed up only some necessary things she'll be needing in Paris. As soon as she is done, she went out of her room to meet with the rest of the team

"Hello everyone!" Blue greeted them with a huge smile splattered in his face "Another day, another mission! I have everything fixed for you" he said and lead them towards the two jets displayed at the airline "The jet on your right is bound to Russia while the other one is bound to Paris. Are you guys excited for your little trip?" He asked and the Alpha team smirked at him, giving him a small thanks "Kidding aside, You guys go home safe and whole! I'll be at the tower! Enjoy your ride!" He waved his hand and went off

"I'll be trusting the team to you" Duke said as he tapped Roadblock's huge arm "Make sure to contact us if you got new information to give us or if you need any help"

Roadblock nodded his head "Of course, you guys take care as well" he said and man-hugged Duke "Come on team, with me" he said

Scarlett and the others quickly left with Roadblock leading them. Duke turned and faced Breaker and the others "We'll see you in three days"

Breaker and the others nodded their heads

"We'll be waiting" Breaker said with a small smile

Duke nodded and looked back at Lady Jaye "Come on team, we have a job to do"

Lady Jaye, Fidi and Snake Eyes nodded their heads and followed Fidi to the jet plane. Fidi quickly hopped on the cockpit of the plane. She put the huge headphones on and clicked the seatbelt sign

"Okay everyone! Sit down and place your seatbelts, it's not my fault if you get any problem during the flight. Thank you and enjoy the flight" she said while snickering

"She's awfully enjoying her time, isn't she?" Duke commented while looking at Snake Eyes who nodded at him. The three of them took a seat and locked their seatbelts

"Fidi?" Fidi heard Blue from the tower line "I expected that you'll be the one to fly the jet"

"Yo" she greeted "Are we ready to go?"

She heard Blue's voice ordering for a second then "Yes, you're good to go. Have a safe trip to Paris, France"

"je vous remercie (Thank you)" Fidi said in a strong French accent and started activating the plane "Engines are hot and we're going up! tout le monde, nous sommes sur le point de profiter de la tour! (Everyone, We're about to enjoy the ride!)"

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