Chapter 24

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Joes started grappling towards the mountain range. Fidi walked to found a good spot. She spotted a huge and tall tree, she quickly grapple upwards and sat on the tallest branch. She quickly placed her sniper rifle in the branch and sit in a comfortable position, she then lifted her right hand to activate the drones

"We have enemies incoming" She heard a joe said from her ear piece

She quickly looked at the mountain range and noticed people in red suits grappling in the mountain range with Katanas in their hands. The other joes kept on fighting the guys in red suits while Team Alpha keeps on going forward.

Fidi quickly places her right eye to the scope to choose her target "I'm in position now" she announced

"Great! Can you please take down these annoying red soldiers?" She heard Duke's voice getting a little frantic

"Don't worry princess, your prince is--" She locked on her first target "--here" she said and finally pulled the trigger

Alpha team gasped as they saw bodies consequently falling above

"Nice shoot kid!" Ripcord complimented

Fidi smirked "Thanks Papa!" She snorted

"Did you activated the drones, Fidi?" Breaker asked

"Yes, don't worry" I said "INCOMING!" she said as she continued pulling the trigger and killing her targets one by one. She stopped when she heard a bullet hitting something

"ARE YOU OKAY FIDI?!" Breaker asked in a worried tone "I sensed a bullet came!"

"Yeah! I'm fine!" She answered "The Drones did a good job protecting me. I guess they have snipers as well. I'll take them down, take care of the ninja dudes for now while I look for the snipers" She said and started looking for the snipers

She managed to take two down, with the help of the drones she found five of them.

"Okay! Alpha Team is inside!" Duke announced "We'll lead from here"

"Remember your orders Joes!" General Hawk said through the earpiece

Fidi can hear gun shots, shouts and metals swinging through her ear piece. She can't see what's happening but she knows that there's a bloodbath inside.

She finally took the snipers down after that she helped the other joes who are still stuck in the mountain range fighting the ninjas in red.

"Thank you Fidi" she heard the other joes said

She sat straight and just waited. She's done being a support. For now, she needs to wait.

She just sat in the branch and waited for any orders. It should be quiet but with her ear piece on, she can hear the joes ordering, shouting and fighting for their dear life

"This ugly bitches keeps on coming and coming!!" She heard Rip commented which made her chuckle

"Shut up and just kill them!" Jaye responded

"Excuse me?"

Fidi laughed and pressed her ear piece "Hang in there Rip! Prove them wrong"

"Hell yeah!" Rip responded

Another hour came and the team is still inside. They were fussing about where's the Valkyrie at. Fidi kept on listening to Breaker who's looking for the Valkyrie's whereabouts

"What about Cobra Commander?" Fidi heard Scarlett asked "He's around here somewhere"

"Alright, we'll split in twos!" Duke announced "Roadblock, you and your team stay here while you wait for Breaker's response. Others come with me to find Cobra Commander. Remember, dead or alive"

Fidi sighed as she imagined Alpha team's serious faces "You'll do great guys. You're the Alpha Team" she said and she heard them chuckled

"It's 'We' for you Fidi" Rip responded "Come on. Let's not make our preggy wait!"

"How are you holding up down there?" She heard Duke asked "Snake is worried"

Fidi let out a small smile "I'm doing fine. No threats. Area's clear. Just finish the job, I'll wait here"

"See you Fidi" Duke said and finally cut off the connections

Another thirty minutes came and Fidi can't hear the joes anymore. The connections has been cut off, she can't contact them and they can't contact anyone from outside. Fidi wanted to go in, feeling a little worried, but she trusts the team that they can handle all of it so she just stayed and sat on a branch.

Fidi unconsciously bit her lips while swaying her feet. She doesn't have anything to do. She waited for another thirty minutes and still no connection. Fidi groaned and irritation but her ears quickly perked up when she heard a helicopter nearby. She quickly​ stood up, sling her sniper rifle to her shoulder, and jumped in every branch to see what's happening. She reached the eastern part of the forest and saw a plain land, there was a huge helicopter waiting and Fidi is sure that it is not the joes'

Her eyed narrowed when she saw a man wearing an all black clothing and a helmet being surrounded by guards. The man was walking leisurely but fast towards the helicopter with a huge mechanism by his side

Fidi quickly used her sniper rifle's scope to see nearer. She focused her eyes on the man wearing a helmet and she noticed the symbol

Well, she'd be damned

"Cobra Commander" she whispered in the wind

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