Chapter 21

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Fidi woke up when someone kept nudging her. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a familiar black mask looking at her. She sat up and rubbed her eyes sleepily

"Snake Eyes? What are you doing here?" She asked while looking at him with sleepy eyes

'It's already in the afternoon. You didn't have breakfast so I came here to fetch you'

"I'm sorry" She softly said "I'm just having a weird urge to sleep more. This must be part of my pregnancy" Fidi felt Snake Eyes froze in front​ of her "Snake?" She called then her eyes widens. She bursted it out unconsciously! She told him she's pregnant! "Wait-- Snake Eyes! I'm not about to tell you now! Oh my God! Why did I suddenly said that?" Fidi said in panic

Snake Eyes kept still in his position. He heard it loud and clear. She's pregnant! She's pregnant with his child!!

Snake Eyes removed his mask and pulled Fidi in a quick kiss. Fidi wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back

'You're really pregnant?' Snake Eyes asked

Fidi nodded "You're not angry?"

Snake Eyes smiled at Fidi and gave her a quick peck on the lips 'Why would I? I love you and I want to have a family with you. It's official, you're going to marry me'

Fidi blushed at his response. She's really speechless. Snake Eyes just proposed to her, though it's not in the way she imagined. Tears fell from her eyes and she hugged Snake Eyes "I love you"

Snake Eyes hugged her back and she took it as a reply 'I love you too. Come on, let's get something to eat for you two' he signed and placed a hand in her flat stomach

Fidi giggled and nodded her head

The two went to the cafeteria, hand in hand, to have lunch

"You guys made it!" Jinx said with a smile

The two took a seat with the alpha team and started eating. Snake Eyes keep on looking at Fidi to check if she's eating well and Fidi found it funny.

"Can you stop that?" She whispered to Snake Eyes

'I'm just worried that you won't eat enough. You didn't ate earlier. Remember you're pregnant, you should eat a lot for you and the baby' he signed

Scarlett's eyebrows met when she noticed Snake Eyes' signs. She gasped which made everyone looked at her "Fidi, you're pregnant?"

Fidi's eyes widens. Fck, she forgot that Scarlett can understand ASL. She gulped and looked at everyone

Snake Eyes held her cold hand and squeezed it reassuringly

Fidi looked at Snake Eyes then to the others. She slowly nodded her head "Yes, yes I am"

The Alpha Team gasped and clapped their hands "Congratulations!" They all said with a smile on their faces

"We're going to have little Fidi and Snake Eyes running around!" Rip exclaimed happily "Is it going to be a girl? Or a boy! Ooh!" He squealed

"Congratulations Snake!" Roadblock said while tapping Snake Eyes' shoulder

Snake Eyes gave him a thank-you nod


The Alpha team looked up when they heard the speakers. They quickly stood up and walked towards the General's deck. As they all entered the deck, the Alpha team stood straight and saluted

"Alpha Team reporting sir" Duke said

General nodded at them "I have new mission for you. Go and take a seat" He said and everyone followed "Now, we are going to take Cobra Commander down for good!" Everyone faces started to get serious "This is not just the Alpha Team's mission but this is also everyone's mission. We will go full force and take Cobra Commander down for good!" General Hawk said and the glass screen turned on, showing the map of Italy "Cobra commander is in Dolomites, Italy" General Hawk gave Fidi a nod and continued "First, he created a nanomites. Second, he created Zeus. And now he created a chemical called Valkyrie" He pointed at the screen showing a holographic picture of a blue chemical inside a glass container "The most dangerous chemical created by man. This chemical eats everything in it's path, just like a nanomites, BUT! It can eat the whole Europe in just a matter of seconds" he said and everyone gasped "This is a very deadly weapon and Cobra is using it to control the world. This must be stop no matter what! Now our mission is to secure the Valkyrie and take Cobra Commander, dead or alive! For the rest of his crew, we kill them all! We'll be leaving by dawn! I want everyone to be ready! Joes!" Everyone stood up "Let's take Cobra down!"

"HOO-RAH!!" They all said in unison and started walking away to get ready

Fidi told Snake to go on ahead so she could talk to General Hawk alone. Snake Eyes nodded his head and walked out. She quietly walked towards General Hawk who is busy ordering people around

"General?" She called softly. General Hawk gave her a soft look and she asked "Can we talk privately?"

General Hawk nodded his head and told the others to continue working. He then led Fidi to his office quietly "What is it​?"

"I don't really want to hide this from you and I think you'll be really angry if I didn't tell you this. I'm.." she cleared her throat "I'm pregnant"

General Hawk's eyes widens in surprise "Really? Who's the father? Snake Eyes?"

Fidi nodded her head as she blushed "Yes, He is the father. I already told him about this and he was really happy"

General Hawk smiled and gave her a quick hug "I don't really know how to handle this happy situation but I'm really happy for you. Congratulations Cassandra, you earned it"

Fidi nodded her head "Thank you General Hawk. You've been a father to me ever since. You saved me, if it wasn't for you I would've died and never met Snake Eyes"

"What are you saying?" General Hawk asked with a smile "This is all on you. You made your own happiness and all I did was to recruit you as a Joe. You had the chance to decline but you didn't, you chose your own path" he patted her head affectionately "I am proud"

Fidi smiled "Thank you but this is not the real reason why I'm here" she said and looked at General Hawk with determination "I am going with you guys to take Cobra Commander down"

General Hawk sighed "Figured you'd say that and what about the baby? Fidi, you have a growing life inside of you, If you got into an accident you'll loose the baby!" He said in frustration "This mission is really dangerous! It's not easy! This is Cobra we're talking about!"

"I know but I am not going to stay here and pray of what will happen! I can still fight as a supporter Hawk!" She insisted "I already talked to the doctor and told the same reason. I will fight as a supporter!"

"It's still dangerous!" He exclaimed "Can't you understand?! It's a baby!"

"Yes, I understand! It's my baby! Mine and Snake Eyes! But I will not stay here worrying about you! The joes! My only family!" She argued

Hearing Fidi's words makes his heart softens more. This girl in front of him is really passionate and loyal to those she trusts the most. But she's pregnant, there are risks!

"Fidi!" He sighed "It's still wrong"

"Please Hawk" She pleaded "I want this! I want to fight with you guys! As a team, as a family! You know I'm a sniper! I could just stay in one place and help you"

General Hawk let out another sigh. He knows that this girl in front of him will never back down, they already had an argument like this and he surrendered.

"Fine. You can come with us. But only as a support!!" He said while pointing at Fidi "You are not allowed to go with us inside the Cobra's premises! You will just stay in one place and kill the enemies from long range. Got it?"

Fidi's serious face turned into a smiling one "Thank you Hawk! I will! Thank you!" She hugged him and quickly left the office

And General Hawk was defeated once again

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