Chapter 20

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Fidi suddenly woke up when she felt something crawling in her stomach. She stood up and quickly run towards the bathroom. She kneeled in front of the toilet bowl and vomited

Fidi closed her eyes tightly as she felt everything is going in circles. She's definitely not feeling well. After a heart falling vomit, she slowly went to the sink and washed her face. Her head is throbbing like hell

She dried her face with a towel and looked at the mirror. Why is she vomiting? She knows she's healthy. Maybe the ice cream she ate yesterday?

Fidi shook her head. She's sure it wasn't the ice cream. Then she remembered her steamy hot sex with Snake Eyes almost everyday and the weird fact that she's one week delayed "Did I take contraceptives?" She asked herself. She's sure Snake Eyes never used condoms. She bit her lip at the thought of she's pregnant "I'm sure I stopped using pills" She held her face and stared at the mirror "Oh God! I think I'm pregnant! This is not a good timing! We have mission to do" Fidi said to herself "I should go to the infirmary for confirmation" she went out of the bathroom and looked at the clock

3:00 am

It's so early. Maybe she could steal some pregnancy test from the infirmary.

She went out of her room and quietly went to the infirmary where she met a doctor who is busy writing something

The doctor looked at her and smiled "Good morning. You're visiting too early"

"I'm sorry but this is urgent" Fidi said as she entered the room

The doctor's smiling face turned to a worried look. She stood up "What is it? Are you feeling unwell?"

Fidi looked down for a second "A little. I just vomited earlier and my head is still spinning. I think I'm pregnant"

The doctor's worried face turned back into a smiling one "Oh honey" she said softly and walked towards the cabinet hanging in the wall "Have you had sex recently?"

'Almost everyday actually' Fidi thought but answered "Yes"

"You must be pregnant then" The doctor took out one pregnancy test and gave it to Fidi "Go and test it, there's the bathroom" she said and pointed at the door "We should confirm it with the pregnancy test then we'll have you in ultrasound so we could double check"

Fidi nodded her head and went to the bathroom. She used the pregnancy test and waited for two minutes. She stood nervously inside the bathroom. The thought of being pregnant again makes her happy and nervous at the same time

Two minutes have passed and Fidi slowly looked at the pregnancy test

Two lines

She's freaking pregnant!

Fidi squealed at the result. She quickly exited the bathroom and walked towards the doctor "It's positive" she said

The doctor smiled at her and lead her to the examination room "Are you feeling nervous?"

She nodded her head

"That always happens with your first pregnancy" the doctor reassured

Fidi bit her lip "Actually, it's my second time but my first baby died"

"Oh" The doctor looked at her "I'm so sorry​"

Fidi didn't respond anymore. She sat at the hospital bed and let the doctor do her work. A few minutes, the doctor left to get her results. She sat at the hospital bed, fidgeting nervously

The doctor entered the examination once again with a smile on her face "Congratulations. You are two weeks pregnant. I just confirmed it with the ultrasound" She gave Fidi a piece of paper which she took

Fidi looked at the picture in her hand, there's a small dot in the picture "Is that the baby?"

The doctor nodded her head "Well, technically, it's still not a baby or a fetus but it's at the stage of developing. You need to start eating healthy foods for the baby, here" the doctor gave Fidi small bottles "That's your vitamins, make sure you drink them once a day" she said and Fidi nodded "Now listen, you'll be experiencing lots of things in your body. Your breast will slowly get swollen due to estrogen and progesterone, meaning your breast will slowly produce milk. You'll be experiencing a lot of nausea, cramps, mood swings, headache, backache and even fainting. You will also experience some bleeding called spotting, don't worry it's harmless but if you have a bad feeling about it quickly go here for examination" She reminded "And! Stop doing missions!"

Fidi's eyes widens "I can't. I have important mission that I need to attend, sooner or later"

"You might get into some accidents honey" The doctor warned "It's very unhealthy for the baby. We need to reassure yours and baby's well-being. I must report this to General Hawk"

Fidi bit her lips "I'll tell him!" She said "along with the team"

"You must understand, you can't go to any mission" The doctor said

"Even if I'm just for support?" Fidi asked

"What do you mean?"

"I can't let myself to stand here while my team is doing a mission. I really need to go, I could just serve as support. I'm an expert in long range battle, I could fight without moving too much" Fidi insisted

The doctor let out a huge sigh "You're very stubborn. Okay. Only long range you hear me?" Fidi nodded "If things go bad you have to quickly go back here" She let Fidi down the bed "Go back and have a rest. Do tell the father of that child about the news"

Fidi smiled happily and shook the doctor's hand "Thank you"

Fidi gleefully left the room with the picture and vitamins in her hands. Now, how will she tell General Hawk and the team about the news? But her real problem is Snake Eyes. Will he be happy?

She entered her room and went back to sleep

"Snake Eyes I'm pregnant" she murmured to herself and hugged the pillow beside her

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