Chapter 12

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Fidi took a seat at the backstage to take a little breather. It's been a while since she last dance in a club. She feels a little sweaty right now

"angelise! votre performance a été extravagant! tout le monde est tellement heureux! vous brûlé l'ensemble du stade cher! (ANGELISE! YOUR PERFORMANCE WAS EXTRAVAGANT! EVERYONE IS SO EXCITED! YOU BURNED THE WHOLE STAGE DEAR!) " Gina came running to the backstage while squealing excitedly. She handed her a towel which she gladly took

"merci Madame" Fidi said with a smile


Both Gina and Fidi looked at the men wearing a formal attire

"Sir Erik demande pour vous ne l'esprit (Sir Erik is asking for you, if you don't mind)" the guard said formally

Gina looked at Fidi with a wide smile. She quickly pushed her to follow the guard and wish her a good luck

Fidi followed the guard then she met Lady Jaye wearing an endearing clothes and holding tray along her way. Fidi nodded at her and continued following the guard

"Guys. Fidi is close" Lady Jaye announced

Fidi walked upstairs with the guard and there she met Erik face to face

"Bonjour. Je suis Erik (Hello. I'm Erik)" he greeted her. He stood up making Fidi looked at his features more

So that's why girls are drooling​ over this man. He is obviously more handsome face to face and rich.

Fidi smiled at him "je suis angelise Sir Erik. agréable de rencontrer vous (I'm Angelise Sir Erik. Nice to meet you)"

"je regardé votre performance. vous étiez belle et sexy (I watched your performance. You were beautiful and sexy)" Erik said, showing off his famous smile. He slowly leaned towards Fidi and whispered to her ears "doit nous aller quelque part privé à parlez? (Shall we go somewhere private to talk?)"

Fidi felt his lips touched her earlobe which made her smiled back. She needs to act well "ce serait très agréable (That would be very nice)"

Erik's grin widens. He offered his hand to her which she took with a smile then he lead her all through the corridor

"Fidi has already made contact. I repeat, Fidi already made a contact" Lady Jaye repeated in her earpiece

"Okay. Good luck Fidi" Duke said "If anything bad happens just say so okay? We're a team"

Fidi unconsciously nodded her head while she let herself be pulled by Erik.

As soon as they reached the VIP room, Erik ordered his men to stay outside and guard then he lead Fidi inside

Fidi looked around and notice no secret cameras inside. There's a balcony as well. Fidi mentally smirked, looks like everything is going to be easy

Fidi flinched when she felt a pair of arms around her waist "je emarqué que vous conservés sur me regarder antérieurs pendant que vous effectuez sur scène. puis-je demander pourquoi est-ce? (I noticed that you kept on looking at me earlier while you are performing on stage. Can I ask why is that?)" Erik is hugging her from behind and started to kiss her bare neck

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