2- Some Complete Stranger

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After Allura's coronation, Lance found himself doing nothing else but staring blankly out over the garden wall, and imagining how life would be without a crown. Perhaps better, perhaps worse, he couldn't tell since he had never experienced it, or even witnessed that sort of living before. Still, what was worse? A life of work, of a life of boredom. A life of discovery, or a life of longing.

As the old saying went, the more one has, the less precious things become. And Lance had hell of a lot of things. Fancy housing, fancy clothing, butlers, maids, every servant imaginable, and yet he longed to get rid of it all. To prepare his own food, to choose his own clothes, to live in a small, yet ever so humble sized home. To meet all different sorts of people. And not the old, rich geezers that Alfor always invited to the castle. Lance wanted to meet all sorts of interesting personalities, and lifestyles. Not only Alteans, but all species.

"Lance?" Allura called from below.

Lance looked down, to meet the gaze of his newly crowned sister, Allura. She looked small from atop the wall, yet her ballgown shone bright, making her hard to miss. Great... She was the last person he wanted to see at the moment. "Yes? Can I help you, your majesty?"

"You can begin by getting off that wall." She responded, folding her arms across her chest. "So you won't fall, and break your neck. We can't afford to lose our next in line for the throne."

Lance groaned. Yep, that was the exact response he expected whenever he did something remotely dangerous. For some reason, Allura had it in her head that something terrible was inevitably going to happen, forcing Lance to step up as King. Something that Lance would absolutely despise. He could barely manage his hair, how was he supposed to rule over an entire empire? Allura was best for the job. She defiantly took after their father.

"What is it?" Lance asked, paying Allura's instructions no mind. "Are you here to stick me in a cell?"

"What? A cell? What in the world are you talking about? Of course not..." Allura paused, and eyed her brother suspiciously. "Is there a reason why I might?"

"Perhaps..." Lance answered, though he was only joking around. It was kinda hard to cause any trouble with servants breathing down his neck every moment of his life. "What is it?"

"Lance..." Allura nervously clenched, and unclenched her fist. That was never a good sign. "I... uh... Now that I'm queen, I would like to change a few things around here. And that includes you."

"You want to change me?" Lance scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Of course..."

"You spend too much time on that wall, doing nothing." Allura raised her voice, ignoring Lance's before angry statement. "You don't talk with anyone. You don't do your duties. There's something out there that's for some reason preventing you from... from doing what you're supposed to do."

"And what am I supposed to do?"

"W-what are you supposed to do?" Allura repeated, not expecting that sort of response. "Well, do what every proper prince is supposed to. Assist the queen with her royal duties. Keep up our relationships with our allies. Help defend the empire."

"Right..." Lance mumbled, digging his chin into his palm. He looked away from Allura, and stared towards the village once more. It looked so busy in the day time. Lance only wished he could be down there among the other Alteans. With less flashy clothing, of course. Something simple... Like a plain shirt and pants. No armor, or cape. Just everyday, peasant clothing. They looked quite comfortable, but Lance wouldn't know.

"So..." Allura continued, clearing her throat. Her neck likely aced from looking up for so long. "I know you're not going to like this news, but... It's for the kingdom's best... It's for your best. If something ever happens to me-"

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