6- Nothing Wrong With Being Purple

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Lance had no idea what fish were, or why one would ever want to catch them, but he was excited to find out.

It was nearly dark when they began their first activity. Hunk gave Lance and Keith a nice old makeover, with some old clothes he had stored away in his closet. They were much too big for the both of them, but hey, Lance made anything work.

Lance choose to wear a plaid, blue button up shirt, and baggy ripped jeans. He wasn't quite sure who ripped them, but thought they looked cooler because of it. Keith wasn't as exciting. He choose to wear a plain black t shirt, gray pants, and boots with a touch of red.

Their first activity of the day: fishing! Shiro suggested it, against Hunk's wishes. Even after fending off those crabs, he still believed they could return at any moment. Especially at the beach, where Hunk said they lived.

When the five new pals got to the wooden platform called a dock, Pidge got out a long stick looking thing, with a red handle on one end, and a string and hook on the other for herself and Hunk. It looked like some sort of elaborate torture device.

Pidge demonstrated how it worked, by tossing the hook into the water. Hunk did the same, and Shiro sat off to the side in a lawn chair. He had a drink in his hand, and a book in his prosthetic arm. He also wore thick shades, which helped in pretending to be awake.

Lance watched intently as the line sat still in the water. He waited a few ticks... then a few dobashs... then he was bored. "When's it going to happen?" Lance frowned. "Is the fush, or whatever you call it, going to come?"

"Ok, first of all." Pidge began. "It's pronounced fish, and second of all, fishing requires patience."

"Pshh! I'm like the most patient person I know!" Lance stated confidently. Keith rolled his eyes.

"Ok then, Mr. Wise Guy." Pidge winded her string back out of the water, and settled the fishing rod back down on the dock. She then grabbed one of her other fishing rods, and impaled some sort of wiggly pink creature onto the hook. "You try then."

She handed Lance the rod. He took it, and smirked confidently. "Oh, I so got this."

"Um, hmm." Keith mumbled sarcastically.

Pidge took her last fishing rod, and handed it to Keith. He looked at it confused. "What?" Pidge asked. "Don't you wanna try too?"

"Oh..." Keith nodded, then took the fishing rod. "Oh, ok."

Lance and Keith tossed the pink impaled creatures into the water, and waited. Pidge and Hunk did the same, while Shiro began to snore on his lawn chair.

Lance waited for a few ticks... then a dobash... then a few dobashs... damn it, he was bored again. "Nothing's happening!" Lance complained.

Pidge looked at him, annoyed. "I told you already. You need patients. As I remember, you said something such as: 'Pshh! I'm like, the most patient person I know!'" She did her best Lance impression, doing his signature puffing out of the chest. "Or was that just a lie?"

"In my defense!" Lance held his pointer finger up. "... um..."

He looked to Keith for help. He shrugged his shoulders like, what do you want me to say?

Pidge let out a sigh. "Fine..." She grumbled. "If you seriously want to be that impatient, there is a better spot we can go to."

Lance's pointy ears perked up. "Oh? Do tell."

Pidge pointed her finger to the ocean. "There."

Hunk shook his head quickly. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" He stuttered. "I thought you said we didn't have to go out there! The crabs... They've already prepared an ambush for my arrival!"

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