9- We're Lost, And Drenched

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Horses are fun. Especially riding one around a track, attempting to surpass a competitor. "I'm catching up!" Lance called after Pidge, an edge of confidence present in his words.

Pidge twisted her head back, her round glasses reflecting the light of the setting sun. The tall, black stallion she was riding kicking up a cloud of dirt as it bolted across the gravel path. "In your dreams, rookie!" Pidge taunted, sticking out a tongue, and flashing an evil grin.

Lance smirked and narrowed his eyes. He held tightly to the reins of his brown, spotted stallion, and sped forward. Shiro, Hunk, and Keith waited at the up ahead finish line. They watched as Lance attempted to pass Pidge's horse to the right, alas being blocked by the rear of the dark mare's behind before he could reach the finish line. Pidge pumped her fist up victoriously as her horse halted to a stop, baring it's nostrils complacently.

Lance steadied his horse, and gave Pidge a frown. A week of practice, and he still couldn't beat her. Pidge must have been some sort of ultra rider, Lance swore.

It had been about three weeks since Lance and Keith first landed on Earth. By now them, Shiro, Hunk, and Pidge were inseparable friends. They went everywhere together, raced together, ate together. Like a pack of wild Yelmores linked at the ears. But Lance and Keith were arguably the closest of them all.

Though they had only known each other for three weeks and four quintents, they acted as though they've known each other for a lifetime. Keith no longer addressed Lance with names such as 'your majesty' or 'prince'. They finally acted as genuine friends, and not servant and master. Perhaps even more than friends. Ever since Keith spilled his backstory, and revealed his most held secret, Lance found himself thinking of the Altean Galra quite a lot. What it must have been like. How he would react in Keith's situation. Lance thought about other things too. Curious things, such as the boy's features, his laugh, his smile. Everything that sent Lance's stomach aflutter.

Lance galloped up to Keith, and held out a hand. "A ride, your Keithiness?" He smirked, as Keith took his hand and pulled himself up behind the Prince, onto the saddle.

"Where are you planning on going?" Keith asked, wrapping his arms around Lance's stomach. Lance could feel Keith's breath brush against the back of his neck, sending a shiver down his spine. Every time Keith got remotely close to Lance, he felt his heart pound hard against his chest, and began to see black specks in the corners of his vision.

Lance craned his neck to look a Keith, flashing him a dorky smile. "No clue. Wherever the wind takes me, I suppose."

Pidge chortled behind her palm. "Don't have too much fun you two."

"We'll be back soon." Keith assured.

"But I wouldn't count on it." Lance corrected. "See y'all later!" He grabbed hold of the reins, and urged his horse forward. In a flash, the Altean duo were galloping down the track, and leaping over the fence.

The rush was amazing. A cold breeze sent Lance's white, tangled hair flowing, as well as Keith's long purple bangs. Keith hadn't cut his hair in quite awhile, so his mullet now reached down to his shoulders. Sometimes he held it up in a pony tale, and other times he let it fall freely. Though Lance was skeptical at first, he found himself loving Keith's new look. Especially when he was allowed to brush it, and pull it up in a bun (which was rarely). A guilty pleasure he indulged in as a child with Allura's, his mother's, and his father's hair before... well, before the war. It brought back many great memories, which made Lance's insides churn. Of course he wasn't homesick, but... thinking of his old life just made him feel... odd. He much preferred thinking of his new life here on Earth, with his human friends, and Keith. Especially Keith.

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