5- Stupid Keith, Stupid Crabs

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Hunk walked in with a tray of brown liquid beverages is mugs. What was it he said they were? Hot chocolate! In his other hand he held a second tray of small round food, about the size of Lance's palm. Those were called cookies, but were apparently not made by cooking. They were instead created with the art form known as baking.

Lance learned a lot of cool stuff such as this in the few Vargas he had arrived at Hunk's cabin. Or, hours as the humans called it apparently. All the names sounded so fake to Lance. Who ever heard of something called a hour, minute, or second? It was so dumb!

Oh, and Lance finally learned the meaning of the word fuck! Pidge was over joyed to answer that one. It was apparently her favorite word! Lance much preferred quiznak however. Even Pidge seemed to like it better, vowing to use it from time to time. "Ha! They won't even know what I'm saying! I'll be able to get away with so much more!" She laughed maniacally behind her goggles, which weren't goggles at all, but something called glasses.

As well as Lance and Keith learning much about Earth culture, Pidge and Hunk got a few facts about Altea. Lance didn't know much about life outside the Castle of Lions however, so Keith had to fill in most of Lance's blanks.

"How about the Galra?" Hunk asked, setting the two trays down for the others to snack on. "Keith, you're half Altean, and half Galra, right? You still haven't said anything about what that is."

Keith shifted nervously on the couch. He was sitting in between Pidge, who was on the left side of the couch, and Lance, who was to his right. Hunk took his seat on one of the single person chairs.

Lance could feel Keith's uncomfortableness. Especially since he shifted back to his true, purple form. He stood out like a sore thumb. Lance wondered why he didn't just stay in his Altean form, or even a human form. Alas, only a little while after arriving to Hunk's cabin, he reverted right back to his normal self.

"I..." He spoke. "Well... The Galra are..."

"They're like, another species of alien which the Alteans had a... relationship with." Lance answered for him. "They're tall, purple, and more often than not, fluffy. Just like Keith here... well, except for the tall part." He leaned across Keith's lap, and whispered to Pidge. "He's like a midget Galra."

Keith gave him a glare, and pushed him off his lap. "I'm taller than you, your majesty. If you insult me, you are just insulting yourself."

Lance giggled, nudging Keith playfully on the arm. "Aw! Look at him! So small and innocent, yet so easily angered. Cute little Galra Altean servant. I'm only teasing."

Keith retained his poker faced appearance. "I don't find it appropriate to tease in this current situation, sir."

Lance frowned, folding his arms across his chest, and leaning away. "Well I don't think it proper for a servant to speak back to a Prince, but that's just me."

"I think it depends on the circumstances, your majesty." Keith countered through his clenched, razor sharp teeth.

Pidge looked from Lance, to Keith, then back to Lance. "Well then... I see you two are close."

"Well... currently, yes." Lance nodded, eyeing Keith from the corner of his eye. "We are sitting by each other. Not that I chose that."

"Um..." Hunk raised his hand timidly. "Keith sat down first. You sat down next to him second. So, yeah. You did kinda choose that."

Keith smirked, and Lance gave him another scowl. "Nope, nope, nooooope. I don't remember that, so it didn't happen." He shook his head back and forth. "Anyways, we're kinda stuck on this planet, so you could say we are currently close, yes. Not for very much longer however. Once we find a way to fix the lions, then Keith can leave, and I'll finally be home free."

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