4- Aliens To Our World

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The two lions, Blue and Red, sped out the other end of the wormhole, and were imminently drawn in by the nearby planet's gravity. Lance attempted to pull back, but Blue wasn't responding. "Blue? Blue!" He shouted. All the lights and controls had been switched off. Lance's heart sank as he was pulled closer and closer towards the planet's surface. "Blue? What's wrong with you? Why aren't you moving?"

Lance looked out the window frantically. He spotted the Red lion just a few yards ahead of him. It looked to be unresponsive as well, and had a tail of flames trailing behind it as they entered the atmosphere. "Keith? Can you hear me?" Lance called out desperately, though he knew it was useless.

Red warning lights began flashing around him. Why the quiznak were they working and not everything else, Lance wondered. He didn't have the time to sit around and think however. They were approximately three dobashs away from impact, and Lance needed to act quick.

But what was Lance to do? The lion wasn't responding, and he had no clue of how to fix it. "Think Lance, think." He mumbled. "What would Father do?"

There was now one dobash until impact. Lance's heart pounded hard against his chest, and entire body began to sweat. But his now sticky clothes were the least of his worries at the moment.

Thirty ticks... twenty ticks... ten ticks. Lance pulled and pushed every lever and switch. Nothing was working. Nine ticks... eight ticks... six... five... four... Lance shut his eyes tight, and braced himself for impact. At least he was going out with a bang, instead of rotting away in that damn castle. Three... two... ONE!

The two lions crashed with a loud bang. Lance's head snapped forward, and slammed into the control panel, knocking him out cold.


"Your majesty... Prince Lance?... Prince Lance!" Keith smacked Lance across the face. The Altean prince imminently shot up, bringing his palm to his aching cheek.

"Quiznak!" He blurted out. "What the Voltron?... What? Where the hell am I? Where's Blue?"

"It spit you out." Keith answered. "Right before shutting off again."

Lance looked to his left, then to his right. He was surrounded by some sort of tree filled area. Blue and Red sat powered off under the comfort of a nearby cave. Those douches, Lance thought, they had enough energy to find shelter, yet not enough to rescue Lance from nearly falling to his death! Speaking of which... How the Voltron was Lance still alive? He was alive... right? Was this what the afterlife looked like? If so, he hated it. Why did Keith have to be there?

Lance stood, and brushed himself off. His cape was completely torn off, and mud stained his armor and skin. His short, messy white hair had sticks and other creatures entangled in it, and his crown was completely missing. Lance brought his hand to his forehead, and gasped. "Where is it?"

"Where's what?" Keith stood as well, brushing off his dirty clothing, aka: the fancy white and blue uniform Lance's father provided every servant. He didn't seem too upset about it getting ruined however. Smudges of brown dirt stained his light purple skin, and his long hair was a complete mess. Together, Lance and Keith looked like a pair of homeless trolls. Well, Keith always looked like that, but more than usual.

Keith dug into his pocket and pulled out a card looking device. He tapped it once, and a blue, holographic screen appeared. He swiped his fingers a few times, making the hologram's picture shift. Lance watched in awe. He wasn't too familiar with technology. Never really had an interest in it, preferring more organic things. Still, he was amazed by just how fascinatingly the screen changed shape.

Keith activated something, then grumbled. "No response. We must be too far away."

"Like, how far away exactly?"

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