3- All Out Of Arguments

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Four quintents. Four quiznaking quintents in living hell! No matter how hard Lance tried, he couldn't get Keith to quit. Neither did he manage to get some alone time, because his so called 'bodyguard' insisted on escorting him everywhere. Even when Lance managed to sneak from his sight, the Galra Altean always seemed to have a way of re-finding him!

Honestly! The only time Lance was truly alone, was on the toilet. Lance betted Keith would have follow him in there too, if it wasn't so indecent. Over time, Lance began to wonder if Keith really was a bodyguard, and not some sort of stalker. All he knew was that if he died in the next few quintents, Allura, Alfor, and Coran only has themselves to blame.

Lance sat idly by on his golden plated toilet seat. He didn't even need to go! All he wanted was to get away from Keith's watching eyes.

Keith stood patiently by the bathroom door, as he waited for his young master to finish his business. But Lance didn't have time for that. He had different business to attend to. Business that did not include toilets of any sort. He eyed the ventilation shaft maliciously, a fantastic scheme forming in his mind.

It looked just big enough to fit Lance. A bit of a tight fit, but Lance could manage. He unscrewed the bolts with a tool he picked up one day in the kitchen, and removed the cover. Then, as stealthily as possible, he shuffled himself in. Not bothering to re-close the vent behind him, he continued down the dark, damp space.

Where was Lance going? Why ask him? He had absolutely no clue whatsoever. It wasn't everyday he had the urge to explore this part of the Castle of Lions. All Lance knew was that it led away, and that was exactly what he wanted.

What felt like vargas later, Lance finally reached another vent cover. He unscrewed the bolts, and pushed himself out of the shaft. Lance then inspected his new surroundings. That's weird... He'd never been in this room before. Or had he?

Lance found himself in a gigantic hangar looking place. The walls, floor, and ceiling were completely gray, making the place quite a dull thing to behold. In the center of the area, five enormous, colorful machines rested stationary. Lance rubbed his eyes, and focused on the closest one. It was blue, and looked like a giant lion. There was also a black one, a red one, a green one, and a yellow one... Whoa! No way!

This was it! This was the hanger! The hanger which held the five parts of Voltron, aka: the ultimate weapon that helped defeat the infamous Lord Zarkon. In all his years living here, King Alfor had banned him from one place, and one place only. And here Lance was! In the exact place his father forbid. A tingle of excitement ran down Lance's back. What an adventure!

Lance walked towards the blue lion, his mouth agape with awe. It was so big! Bigger than Lance had ever imagined! And this was only one of its legs! He couldn't imagine the sheer size Voltron would turn out to be once all five parts were connected.

Lance placed a hand on one of Blue's massive metal claws. Or was it metal? Lance remembered hearing something about the black lions origins. How Lord Zarkon had teamed up with King Alfor and mined the materials from a comet that crash landed into Zarkon's planet. They then used what they found, and crafted the black lion in the process. Lance didn't know about the others however. Voltron was surrounded in so much mystery, he doubted even the creators knew everything about it.

The blue lion didn't respond to Lance's touch. Of course it didn't. Why would it? Still, Lance felt an odd sort of draw to this lion in particular. He wasn't quite sure why. Maybe it was due to blue being his favorite color? But that didn't seem right. This fascination... It seemed more spiritual than anything. An odd thing to say about a giant mechanical kitty, but it was true. It was as if, he was meant to be here. Lance felt as though he was meant to discover this place, and this lion in particular.

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