8- Because I Don't Deserve It

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Keith gripped Lance's hand tightly the whole way back to the cabin. Lance couldn't get him to answer any of his numerous questions. Things such as: "why are you so upset?" And "Don't tell me you actually got scared at Pidge's story."

When they finally got back, Keith let go of Lance's hand, and closing the cabin's door behind him, locking it for extra measure. Keith then went to each window, closing the shades and making sure they were bolted down properly. All the while Lance watched him curiously. "What are you doing? Wanna be alone with me that badly?"

Once Keith made sure every inch of the cabin was fastened shut, he plopped down on the couch with a sigh. "We're safe... for now." He muttered more to himself than anyone else.

"Safe?" Lance chuckled. "Woah! Are you serious right now? You are terrified of the ghost of 1985, aren't you! Oh, so cute and innocent. Don't be scared Keith. It's ok! This isn't even the dead girls cabin. At least... I don't think it is."

Keith looked at him, annoyed. Lance jokingly coward over in fear. "Or maybe it is! You never know... Actually, now that I think about it, I've been hearing some weird sounds during the night time. You don't think... no way! It couldn't be... The ghost of 1985!" Lance wiggled his fingers in the air spookily. "Oh no! It may already be too late! I think she's already targeting us!"

"Stop joking around!" Keith demanded, through clenched teeth.

"It's not a joke!" Lance smirked. "I seriously think she's here now. Hiding in the shadows... watching our every moves now! Oh no! Save me Keith! I think she wants to eat me for ghost supper!"

Lance ran to Keith, and took a seat next to him on the couch. He grabbed the Altean Galra's arm, and pretended to shiver. "Oh no... I think I see her now. Over there in the corner! She's eyeing me with her glowing white irises!"

Keith pulled Lance's arm from its grasp around Keith, and leaned away. His ears were flopped down, his glowing yellow eyes narrowed, nose scrunched, and mouth in a frown. "I told you to stop Lance." He scolded. "I'm sick of you always harassing me."

Lance eyes widened. "H-harass? It wasn't my attention to... that's not what I... I was only teasing!"

"I know you were. It's... it's fine, just get some sleep." Keith looked away. Lance could see the sadness and hurt in his eyes. Lance hated that look. It didn't suit Keith at all.

"Is there..." Lance muttered, unsure of how to make things right again. "Is there anything you need? Like... want me to grab you a snack, or..."

Keith shook his head. "Get some sleep." He repeated, not once looking in Lance's direction. "I told you, it's fine."

Lance paused for a tick, then nodded. "Ok then... I'll go get my pajamas on." Lance walked to the bathroom door. Before he went in, he turned back around, and added, "And, I'm sorry... about teasing you and stuff..."

Keith looked back up, but Lance had already vanished into the bathroom. Lance went to the sink, and stared at himself in the mirror. Wow! He didn't recognize himself at all... Though he had his newly recovered crown still on, Lance didn't look anything like a prince. His hair was an absolute mess, face tired and muddied, and clothes tattered and baggy. The only thing that reminded him of his old life back on Altea was his sharp pointy ears and blue markings below his eyes. If only Lance had the power to shape shifting them away... Then Lance could easily pass as a full human, and live his days here on Earth. It was such a great place, and with so much to explore. It would take a lifetime to discover it all!

Lance removed his crown, and splashed his face with some of the cold sink water. After brushing his teeth, attempting to comb his hair, and cleansing his face with this weird face cream Hunk had gifted him, he exited the bathroom to grab his pj's.

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