7- Miss Them Dearly

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It's been a week and a half since Pidge first met the strange new aliens Lance and Keith. She was shocked at first when she saw Keith's intimidating face and claws, but over time she learned his true self. Though Keith pretended to be a stone faced, uncaring bodyguard, Pidge saw right through the mask, and discovered a sweet, caring, if a bit hot headed teenage boy. One with many buried emotions, and insecurities.

Pidge didn't know much about Galra or Altean relations, but it must have been terribly tough for Keith. People either labeling him as a full Galra, a full Altean, or some sort of hybrid atrocity. But Keith was neither of those. Keith was Keith, and that's who he will always be. No matter what he does to try and change himself, he will always be unique from others, and that was perfectly ok.

Along with that, Pidge began to notice something more interesting in her time hanging with Lance and Keith. Though she felt ashamed for assuming things, or perhaps hoping for something that was none of her business, Pidge couldn't help it. Lance and Keith were way too touchy to just be friends.

When the three of them first met, Pidge assumed that the two weren't quite on the best terms; with all the fighting and evil glared and such. But, since the fishing trip, Pidge noticed Lance and Keith beginning to grow closer and closer. For example, at this current moment while roasting marshmallows around Shiro's fire circle, Keith and Lance were sitting very close. And when she says very close, she means very close. Like, even uncomfortably so. Their legs and shoulders were clearly touching, and they seemed completely oblivious to it! The log that they rested on wasn't even small! It had plenty of room for four people at least! But there Lance and Keith were, shoulder to shoulder, thigh to thigh. When one leaned forward to bring their marshmallow closer to the fire, the other followed! It was so obvious, damn it! And no one seemed to even notice! It made Pidge furious!

Now, Pidge knew she shouldn't be poking around in other people's love life, but come on! The sexual tension was suffocating her! She had to vent to someone!

Pidge leaned closer to Hunk's ear. They were sitting across from Lance and Keith on their own log. Shiro was off grabbing firewood. Luckily, Lance and Keith didn't seem to notice when Pidge whispered to Hunk about them. "Hey, Hunk. Haven't you noticed Lance and Keith being awfully touchy lately?"

Hunk shoved another s'more into his mouth, and answered through a mouthful of food. "No. What are you saying?" He eyed his friend suspiciously. "You're not getting another one of your evil schemes, are you?"

"What! Of course not! What evil schemes?"

"Um... nothing." Hunk ate another s'more in one gulp.

"You've noticed nothing? But it's so obvious! Just look at them!"

Hunk narrowed his focus across the fire, to the two smiling aliens. Lance was currently attempting to stuff four marshmallows in between two graham crackers, and Keith was inspecting his s'more in confusion. He had accidentally switched the chocolate with the graham cracker, and was trying to figure out what exactly he did wrong. "I don't know Pidge." Hunk mumbled back. "They seemed to hate each other when we first met them."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hate is a strong word." Pidge gazed up at the stars, and sighed lovingly. "You just need to look at this arrangement with a... different perspective. Perhaps they aren't rivals, but... more like pining lovers, who are drawn apart because of the fear of ridicule from their families, and inability to commit to relationships or long lasting love. But an odd nagging feeling keeps on bringing the two together, until they can't take it any longer! They let all their feelings out, and declare their burning love for one another! But then, one of them gets hit by a car, and has to be swiftly taken to the hospital! There, the two cradle each other in their arms, and cry as they watch their lives crumble before their very eyes. But then, the person with the broken body wakes, and refuses to let the greedy claws of death take them away! And it works, because the force known as love is much too powerful to let anything split it apart!"

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