Chapter 2

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"Maybe sending her there wasn't a good idea" Valkyrie signed.

"We've created a monster. She's came back more insane then she already was" Bella could hear her parents talking about her downstairs as she sat on her bed rocking her body back and forward, smirking an evil grin. There were no tears, no trace of pain on her face as she held the razor blade to her wrist cutting deep into her skin. She didn't cry out or do anything but smirked and rocked her body back and forward chanting "pain" softly.

"Louder" Clarity spoke and Bella obeyed saying Pain respectively louder. Her parents would never be able to hear they were shouting at each other.

"You caused this. They are fighting because of you." Bella shook her head tears finally being released from her eyes. She cried out, she didn't want this to happen, she wanted everyone to be happy. She didn't want her loved one in pain, she didn't want herself to be in pain but she couldn't do anything about it, she couldn't change anything she just needed to help move the process along and Clarity told Bella hurting and cutting herself would help so that's what she was doing, inflecting pain on herself.

Clarity didn't care about Bella's plan to make everyone feel pain, all Clarity cared about was her plan which was in progress right now and that was to vanish Bella to the end of the earth forever, to have no Bella in anyone's live. For Bella to die. She was a bit upset that Bella's plan was never going to be put in progress and in use but she couldn't help it. She needed Bella to die as quick as she could and it just so happened to be now.

This is what Clarity wanted all along and it's happening with Bella listening to her and following her, with Bella's trusted they will be the strongest and most dangerous mortal there is and no one would be able to stop them not even Skulduggery and Valkyrie.

"Louder!" Clarity shouted her voice echoing in Bella's mind giving the depressed her a headache. Clarity wanted to hear Bella scream pain on the top of her lungs until she would lose her voice, until someone would hear and come to see the mess Bella had created but also to see a dead Bella covered in blood that is was too late to save her.

"Deeper." Clarity said over and over until Bella used the razor slicing her wrists and thighs deeper, blood pooling into puddles. Bella was losing blood and the more the blood rushed out the more she felt numb, the more the pain disappeared just like Clarity said. She trusted Clarity. Clarity was her friend. She believed Clarity would save her, would protect her, would look after her. Clarity was there for her through everything they were friends. Clarity listened to Bella and Bella listened to Clarity, that's how it worked and that's how Bella ended up with in this painfully deathly mess. 

"Pain demands to be felt." Clarity specks inside of her. Her voice fading the more Bella struggles to stay alive.

"Deeper. I want to see more." Clarity pressed. Bella was a screaming bloody mess, she was as pale and cold as snow. Her throat ached for the screaming and she had no energy to swallow

"No" Bella wimped shaking her head weakly, giving up. She didnt want to do this, not anymore. It got out of hand.

"Do it!" The voice in her head took over, that was all her heard. She was Bellas instructor and Bella was Claritys puppet. Clarity loved that she had control over Bella, she loved that Bella would listen and do whatever she said. She had the bond with her. Bella trusted Clarity with her life that was a massive mistake for Bella, it just made it easier for Clarity to kill Bella.

Bella obeyed cutting more, blood covering her and the bed. Her skin was very pale and the blood flow slowed down indicating that her blood had nearly emptied from her body. but she didn't stop, not this time. The pain faded the more she cut. She hated pain and wanted it to stop this was how to do it.

"Good girl, we'll be there shortly" Clarity spoke and Bella smiled, giggling feeling light headed. Clarity didn't care that she was also going to die but what she wanted was the Goddess of fire to die and watching on, it was bound to happen with all the blood Bella was losing so quickly.

"So nice, you are. Following what I tell you." Clarity spoke softy in her head waiting for the lose of blood to kill her.

"I'm not a nice girl." Bella smiled, and that she wasn't. She had done terrible, bad things, that wasn't nice at all. She would never be a nice girl. Bella won't change for the world, she was who she is and nothing would change that. Bella loved herself but never as much as the blonde hair and blue eyed girl.

"You are to me." Bella rolled her eyes, wanting to fight back with the voice in her head but she didn't have the energy to.

Her eyes were becoming heavier, her heart beat slowing down. All her pain would go soon, Clarity promised her, she followed Clarity because Clarity is the leader, she is the ruler, she is Bella and Bella is Clarity. They are the same person and nothing could change that. If Bella made one move wrong... Pain is what she got so she listened to Clarity because Clarity is worth listening to.

"I'll be there soon" She smiled looking up at the roof as her eyes closed and the darkness surrounded her.
Another chapter!!!!! Wow! I hope you all like it so far. The chapter is really deep. I'm sorry. Just want to express Bella's pain and how insane she really is. I hope it didn't hurt anyone or something, please read at your own risk and if you have any troubles feel free to message me. Always happy to talk. Hope you like the little video. I thought it kinda fitted, showing you how devastated Skulduggery and Valkyrie are. Excuse the names and that though, couldn't get a good prober one but anyway I like it, i thought it fit.

Question- who is your favorite character for the Skulduggery Pleasant series? When did you first start reading them?

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