Chapter 9

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Time was passing but not fast enough for Bella. Skulduggery was now on his aim game looking after the only person he had left that he cares about. He didn't want to lose her but sadly he already had lost her from the start.

To Skulduggery, Valkyrie was going, disappeared with no way of reappearing but Bella knew the truth and soon so would Skulduggery. Why would she kill the ones she loved and not have them with her? She killed the people to protect them and if you told a person this, they would react by calling the police or send you to a mental hospital, so Bella kept it a secret, just like what happens up in her head, nobody knows but her and Clarity.

Bella was different and in need of serious help but she would never reach out to grab the help, she would never admit she needed help or that she's different because to her shes not. To her everyone else needs help and she is the only normal one.

Bella woke up like any normal day but today was the day, the day for everything to disappear, for her pain, for his pain, for their pain to disappear. She got dress with a smile on her face and slowly walked down stairs to where Skulduggery was cooking pancakes.

Skulduggery was dancing and cooking just like he used to do with Valkyrie. Skulduggery missed those memories the couple shared.

The pancake landing perfectly in the middle of the plate that Valkyrie had in her hands. Skulduggery flipped another pancake then threw it at Valkyrie while laughing watching her move to catch it on the pate. These were the days they loved, just being able to hang out and be themselves.

Valkyrie walked over sitting at the table as Skulduggery done a weird little dance following her as she laughed at her crazy but adorable husband.

He placed the delicious looking and smelling food in front of her. Blue berries where placed on top of the pancakes, they made a smiley face causing Valkyrie to smile widely.

"Bon Appetit." Skulduggery spoke taking his seat across from her with a large smile on his face as he admired Valkyrie, the love of his life. She smiled back as her eyes sparkled with happiness. She loved Skulduggery and she couldn't imagine her life without him.

"Hang on." She giggled as she leant forward with the whip cream in her hand and drew two little lines out from the smile, making it look like teeth. She sat back down and done the same to hers while Skulduggery laughed at her shaking his head. Valkyrie licked her fingers ridding them of the cream and stared at Skulduggery.

It was quite for them finally. Bella and Sophie were out hanging with their friends leaving them by themselves which they haven't had since Sophie was born.

Skulduggery couldn't help but stare at the beauty in front of him. He also wondered what he did to deserve someone so amazing like Valkyrie.

Once Valkyrie saw that he was starring her cheeks turned red as she looked away, blushing at her husbands actions. They have been together for over 30 years and still Skulduggery had the effect on her, she couldn't help it and it just grew Skulduggery ego even more knowing that Valkyrie is still affected by it.

"What?" She questioned finally looking at him again, giggling.

"Nothing." Skulduggery replied picking up his knife and fork, getting comfortable in his chair.

"Let's eat." He spoke grinning for ear to ear at the beautiful lady sitting before him. Both Valkyrie and Skulduggery started cutting and eating the pancake the couple had made together.

"Okay." Valkyrie frowned at him playfully, smiling still. She always smiled when she was with him, she couldnt help it, he made her happy, it wasnt going to change.

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