The Grimm Reapers

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Many teens would say they hate their families. That they are too annoying, embarrassing, or they just don't understand how hard it is to be a teenager. I wish my family problems were that simple. My family is not your average family, and we don't have average problems. The biggest problem we have is figuring out who will take over for my father's business. Now you may be thinking 'what's so bad about running your Fathers business?' Well, when your father is the grim reaper, and you have to fight you own siblings for that spot. I think our family has bigger issues to deal with.


I woke up this morning and looked out my window like I do every morning. I open the blinds and see the souls of the departed flouting around, like always. One of them stopped in front of my window, and I see it's the soul of a teenage boy who got hit by a car. By the numbers on his head, he was killed way before his time.

"Drunk driver." He smiles,and I want to send his soul back and bring him to life, but I know I can't do that without revealing who me and my family are.

"LOLITA! COME DOWN!" I hear my brother calling me and I head downstairs. I look and see that it's just me, my older brother Blake, my little sister Lenore, and my mother Lilith. I take a seat next to my father's chair, and look at his empty plate.

"Don't worry sweet heart, your father will be home soon." I look at my mother. She was a fallen angel who fell in love with my father, and gave up her pure white wings for him. I look just like her with our long black hair and bright green eyes.

"I bet dad's just sending the souls were they need to go. He's had his hands full with the wondering souls in the area lately. Why doesn't he just hand the scythe over to me already?" My brother Blake and I are next in line to take over for our father. Normally since he's older it would go to him, but I unlocked my reaper powers before him, so dad's having us work for it.

"Now Blake, your dad will hand the power over when he is ready. And even then, it might go to Lolita." She looked over at me and smiled, while Blake glared as always. Don't get me wrong, we care for each other. It's just when it comes to the reaper's scythe, all ties are cut off.

"Mommy, I'm done." Lenore put her plate in the sink and grabbed her bag off the floor.

"OK honey. Blake, Lolita, I'm taking Lenore to school now. Don't be late again, and don't let anyone see you...Blake."

"That was one time! And I erased his memory in case you forgot!"

"Yeah, to the point the poor boy thought he was a baby. I had to fix it after you did."

"Shut up Lolita." I smiled and put my plate in the sink and went to grab my bag, I said bye to my mom on my way to my room.

"Bye sweet heart. Don't forget to put your contacts on,we don't want your eyes acting up."

"OK mom." I quickly put my contacts on and grabbed my bag, Blake was already waiting by the door.

"You ready?"

"Yeah." We grew out our wings and made ourselves invisible to the human eye. We flew above the city and headed towards school. I know what you're wondering, 'what are the grim reaper's children doing going to a human school?' Well since only one of us will be the next grim reaper, the others will have to learn to live among humans. The only difference is we will still have our reaper powers.


"What?" I pointed to a spot near the school were we could land and hide our wings. He nodded and we landed making sure no one saw us after we hid our wings. I picked up my bag and followed Blake towards the school, I already saw his admirers watching him. Blake looks just like our dad, and no he is not a skeleton in human clothes. Both of them have black hair and blue eyes and a body that has literally made women, and some men, fall to their knees.

"Lolita!" I looked behind me and saw my friend Teresa running towards us. Blake shrugged his shoulders and kept walking towards the school.

"Hi Teresa."

"Hey Lola, morning." We walked towards the school and we talked about the number of souls that have been around lately. Teresa has a special gift called 'sight' so she is able to see the things I see, but that's all she is able to do. She saw me talking to a spirit one day, so we told her about our family secret. She's been marked with the Reaper seal, so she will never be able to tell someone.

"So Lola, how long do I have left?" Most people would be scared to learn how long they have to live, but she asks me everyday how long she has left.

"Teresa, you know I can't tell you that." She complained all day. I don't know what it is about Teresa, but she has never been afraid of my father. In fact, she is waiting for him to come.

We took our seats and waited for our teacher to come and start class. I pulled out my books and reviewed my notes while our teacher walked in and took attendance.

"OK students. Don't forget guardians' day is in two days, so we expect to see all your guardians here at 9 o'clock." I dropped my pen on the floor, I could not bring my parents.

"LOLITA!" I looked towards the door and saw Blake running in, he looked worried.

"Mr. Reaper what is the meaning of this?!"

"Sorry sir, I need my sister. just got back." I didn't even bother asking permission to leave. I grabbed my book and my bag and ran out the door. Once we were outside the building we turned invisible and grew out our wings.


"I know, we just need to head home fast right now." We flew faster and ran inside the house once we landed.

"DAD!" He was seating in his office with our mother standing behind him. He wasn't in his human form right now. Right now he was in his true form, the grim reaper.

"Hello my children, I'm home."

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