Chapter Twenty-Nine: The decision

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I shut the door to Lenore's room, and head back to my own. I pass by the pictures of my family on the wall. We placed them here, so that it would give this place a more home like feeling. That is what I have tried to do for so many years. But being married to the Grim Reaper, and having children who are half angel, and half reaper, is not an easy thing to do.

I sit in front of my mirror, and look at the woman sitting before me. Her once blue eyes now a dark green. Hair that was once as blond as the suns warm rays, now a dark and slick black. Though my face may look the same, any trace of being an angel have now vanished from me. I love my husband, but sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice that day. 

*Many years ago*

"Lilith, Lilith we have to go!" I sat at the edge of heaven and earth, watching the lives of the humans down below. It has always amazed me how humans could live their lives the way they do. Some choose to follow father's word and live a life of peace and love, other try and use his word for horrible and unspeakable things. Humans are strange creatures.


"Okay, okay I'm coming!" I spare one more glance, before I follow my sister back home. I expand my wings, and allow the warm air to flow trough my feathers. I watch as many other angels do the same. Some are my birth family, others are the family members father has placed on earth. These are the once that have lived a life of love and happiness, the once father deemed worthy of coming back home.

"Father, we are home!" We enter father's office, and see that he is busy looking over some files. 

"Oh, hello girls. Welcome home, what are you up to?"

"Nothing, just watching the humans again. What are you working on?" I have always been interested in what father does. His job is so important, but sometimes it becomes to much for him. That is why task are split between each of us.

"Nothing really, just planning some events. Why don't you two run and fetch your siblings, there is something that I wish to discuss with all of you." 

"Okay!" Me and Alexandria both say and run out of his office. But before I shut his door, I could not help but notice the quick glimpse of guilt that crossed over father's face that day.

We gathered all of the siblings that day and meet with father and mother in the grand hall. I could see the look of confusion and concern on all of their faces. Father had gathered heaven's soldier to the meeting as well. His soldiers were the strongest angels heaven had, and they were there because of the fateful day that we knew would one day come.

"Thank you all for coming. Family, I have some...very unfortunate news." Again I saw the glimpse of guilt on my father's face. "As you all know, many years ago my brother and I agreed that the life for humans, and the task of deciding on where they should go should be decided evenly." I could hear small whispers begin to start. I will have to admit, that this was the first I had heard of this. This whole time I had thought father decided where the humans go, and those who were not worthy were simply sent down to 'his' home.

"Father, what are you talking about? Is the task of deciding where the humans go not up to you?"

"No Lilith. Before you and your siblings were born, the task of looking over the world was left entirely up to me. But as you know I soon divided different task between each of you. Alejandro the power over time. Alexandria, the keeper of knowledge. And you, the angel of life. I am sorry for not having told you before, but I did not feel a need to bring this up."

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