Chapter Fourteen: I know what he wants

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She told him, he knew. All these years my brothers has been able to live his normal life again because he had no idea what he had become. Now, he knows that he is no longer human. I wanted to keep him away from her and her family because I knew this would happen, I knew they would take him away from me again.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't have let him go." It wouldn't have made much of a difference, he would have found a way to sneak out.

"It's her fault! All of this is Lolita's fault!" I know it's not, but it's the only thing keeping me from pulling my hair out. I want, no, need Ashton back. I need him to stay by my side and never leave. I can protect him, I'm suppose to protect him. He may be my older brother, but it's my responsibility to keep him safe. Besides, in a way I was the one that turned him into what he is. Had I let him go in peace, he wouldn't have turned into a zombie, he would be at peace.

"He hates me now, and it's because of her. Why did she have to go and open her fucking mouth!" To think my own best friend would do this to me. If it wasn't for this damn seal I would tell everyone what she is. I look at my neck in the mirror, and I can see it. The mark in the shape of a skull, the mark that only me and the reapers can see. I know she uses it to keep and eye on me, and she knows I've tried to take it off. The scars around it are proof of that, they have just healed. I touch them, and the painful memories are still there. I never wanted this mark, but I knew who they were. In time I grew to understand them, even care for them. Lolita has been good to me, but she broke my trust in her by telling Ashton the truth. I never should have let her meet him, but it was bound to happen. I knew Ash couldn't avoid Lolita's father for ever. All those years that man has protected my brother, and now when it was my turn I failed. I wonder what he would say if he knew.



It was time to change his bag again. I could smell the vomit from down the hall, it was so strong. I opened the door and saw that it was finally working. He was no longer puking up stomach acid, but his black blood. This boy has no idea just how much power him and his family have. They waist it helping humans cross to the other side, when it could be used for so much more.

"How are you feeling?" He doesn't even have the strength to move his head by himself. I grab his chin and make him look at me. Perfect, there's no light in his eyes anymore. He must have realized that no one is coming for him. The spell I placed on his city made it so no one remembers who he is, or that he even existed. Even his own father doesn't remember him.


"What was that?"

"Lo...lita." Lolita? He was calling his sister? What did he expect to happen? That girl may have unlocked her powers, but she is clouded by her mother's judgment. That is the price for being half reaper and half fallen angel. If only her sister Lenore had been born first, she would have made a wonderful reaper. To laugh at the sight of blood, and enjoy the pain it causes humans. How wonderful!

"Come now boy, do you still think they will come for you? I told you, they don't even remember you."

"Lolita!" impressive. He managed to scream, even with how weak he has become. To bad it was all in vain. Just a little longer and I will be able to put him out of his misery.

"Scream all you want son, it won't make a difference." I change the bags and trough the old one away. My last attempt was excellent, but this one needs to be perfect. I need this to work, I can't afford to fail again.



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