Chapter Thirty-one: A father's past

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"My lord, she has been awaken." I looked back at my messenger, I nodded and waved him away.

"So, you have finally returned to us, My little Lolita." I hated having to put her in that spell for all these years, but it was the only way I could help them. I know that now they will hate me, and the relationship between me and my dear wife will never be the same, but that is the price that I am willing to pay.

I lean back on my chair and stare at the ceiling. How I long for the simple times, when I didn't have anything to worry about except collecting all the lose souls around the world. But I knew the day I meet Lilith that all of that would soon end, and a new adventure would be awaiting me.

I summoned a screen in front of my desk, and the image of my room back home appeared. Lilith was sitting at the edge of our bed, looking at a photo from the human wedding that she had us do. I guess her man toy must have gone home for the day. I want to kill that human more than anything for having touched my wife, but I know I can't. I drove Lilith to this, and I know she doesn't like it either. She may be my wife, but she is still part angel. Strands of her blond hair can still be seen under her black hair from time to time. 

"She truly did have the most beautiful blond hair back then." I couldn't help but think back to the past. When I was young, and unaware of just how powerful god's anger could truly be.

*Many years ago*

I don't remember how I came to be in this world, but I know what I was born to do. Souls were drawn to me, like I was the only one that could end their suffering. I would collect them all, and send them to where I knew they were meant to go. I didn't understand how I knew, I just did. I never questioned why some people would be sent to heaven, or others to hell, I just knew I never would be able to go to either one. 

I traveled the world, seeing how the humans lived their lives. Some I found entertaining, others a waist of a life. The way that some of these humans lived their lives was shameful, and even I thought that death was to good a punishment for some. I never understood why, all I know was I hated it. Humans are so lucky to be given life and then a chance to go to a place of pure peace, and some don't even appreciate it. 

I went on one of my trips to a small town, a woman was going to die today. I have had a few encounters with her in the past, and today she will finally be able to rest. I couldn't help but notice a strange energy in the air, but I was more focused on going to that woman. Her family was gathered around her, her grandson by her side. She finally passed, and she seemed so happy to see me. I wasn't even in my human form, she was happy to see me bones and all.

Soon after that day, I started feeling that strange energy everyday. At first I thought maybe one of the brothers was keeping an eye on me, but then I realized that their energy would feel a lot stronger than this one. I soon became used to this energy, and I realized that I was now used to it. It was warm and gentle, unlike the cold and emptiness that I was used too.

I found myself looking forward to the strange energy, I wanted to know where it was coming from. Who or what can give off such a warm and gentle energy, it's amazing. I needed to know where it came from.

I started waiting out for the energy, but it wasn't long before the energy started showing up less and less. Until one day, it didn't show up at all. I missed the warmth that it gave off, the feel of peace that I felt when ever it was near. I thought back to what I did every time I felt the energy, I was near the dearly departed.

"That's it!" If the dead is what makes that energy, then I will gather as much of the dearly departed as I can. I want to feel that warmth again, even if I have to play with the lives a bit to get it.

I started all the souls that I could find, you couldn't even go outside and see a single soul. I would gather every single one, and I was done with my job that I could actually take a break if I wanted to. But I wasn't trying to take a break, I wanted to find that energy.

"I need it." I hadn't realized just what that energy was doing to me at the time. The warmth of it was like a drug for me, and I was hooked. I wanted it so badly, that I did the one thing a reaper should never do, I started messing with the lives of the living. I started making humans die sooner, 'whispering' in the ears of some of the worlds worst people in history. I'm sad to say that I was the cause of a lot of the major problems that this world has ever seen, but I didn't care at the time. All I wanted was that warmth, and to know where it came from.

Nothing seemed to work, and I wasn't any closer to finding that warmth. I was feeling even colder inside. And I came to the decision that if I couldn't feel warmth and peace, then why should the humans? They didn't know just how good they had it. They could live a life, and then know the peace of the release that I can give them. I can send them back home, but I will never be able to do that. I will forever be forced to roam the earth as a creature of darkness, to be fear and respected. But what good will that do me when I couldn't get the one thing that I wanted the most in this world.

"P-please, s-stop." I looked down at the dying figure in front of me. He was a small weak man, and he was on his death bed in a local hospital. He must have been in pain for so long, I was here to finally take it away.

"Be calm, I will end your pain." I raised my scythe up, ready to take the man's life. I have seen many humans through out the years, but this man here was the strangest one I had ever meet. 

Instead of closing his eyes, taking a final breath, saying his last words, or even crying, what he did shocked me the most. He reached up, and summoning all the strength he had left in his body, he grabbed my arm. No human has ever touched me, the feeling was strange. It was almost as if he was taking my energy through the palm of his hand.

"No! I don't want to die! I'm not ready to die!" What the hell was wrong with this man? Where is this sudden strength coming from? I pulled my arm from out of his grip, and I saw the color return to his face. I looked up at his life counter and saw that he was no longer dying, to be honest, he actually gained more life. What the hell was going on?

"You lousy human! What did you do?!" He was looking down at his hands, and I saw a strange grin on his face. Exactly what the hell did this human just do?!

"It worked....IT WORKED!!!!!!" He jumped up from his bed and started running out of the hospital room. I couldn't help but stand there and stare at him in disbelieve. What the hell did he do? And how was he able to gain more life from simply touching my arm. I look at the door where the man ran out from, and I the only thing that I could think about was...

"I gave him life." As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt that warm energy again. It hit my back so strongly that it almost knocked me on my feet. I look behind me, and the sight is so breath taking I couldn't help but stare.


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