Chapter Thirty: The pain of knowing

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I continued to watch him everyday after that. The man who judged my creations, and dreamed them worthy or not. I know I should have been more furious, but for some reason...I couldn't. I kept seeing this strange look in his eyes every time he would come to collect one of their souls. It was almost as if it pained him to see so much sadness, and death. As if his job was causing him pain. I couldn't take just sitting up here and watching him, so I made a choice.

I headed towards the holly gates and summoned my halo out. Almost instantly the doors opened, and I snuck out before Alexandria or one of the other angel found out what I was doing, and come to try and stop me. We are not allowed out past the gates, not without permission. Humans are not suppose to see us until their time comes. With one final deep breath I closed my eyes, and flew out of the gates of heaven.

I landed on a small town, and I could not help but be both shocked and amazed. I was amazed at just how different the earth really was in person. But I was more shocked that I had broken the one rule father has ever given us, 'To never leave beyond the gates'. I wonder what he would do if he ever found out about this? For the moment I just sealed my wings and hoped that no one would notice me.

I must have walked around the town for hours, making sure no one saw me in the process. I was just about to give up and head home, when I felt him. It was as if my whole body had been frozen, and I felt a sens of power and fear in the air. I followed the trail, and it lead me to a small house about a block away. As soon as I got close enough to the house, I couldn't breath. All the air was being sucked out of my body, and I had the strongest desire to move away from that house. Then I heard it. The sound of crying and sorrow.

"Grandma! NO!" I turned back towards the house, and forced myself to go see what was wrong. I looked in trough a small window in the back, and then I saw it. A family all gathered next to a bed. With an elderly woman resting on it.

"No." She wasn't resting, she was..."Dead." I could feel my silent tears flow down my cheeks at the sight of a human's death. Never had I ever once imagined such a sad and lonely sight. A human dying, while her loved once stand next to her, unable to do anything about it.

"Father, why does something so sad have to happen in this world?" I wanted to go in. To go in and stop this sadness. To give life back to that woman, and stop the tears of her loved ones from landing on her. But just as I was about to move, I saw her. She was transparent, but her smile was so bright. I saw her head towards her grandson, and touch the top of his head. With that small action, the boy stopped. He turned to his weeping mother, and held her hand.

"Mamma, I think grandma's OK. She is going to a better place." The mother stopped crying, and just held on to the boy. I looked up just in time to see what happened next. 

Death was now in the room, and the air became even more cold. I expected the woman to scream like the little girl did, but she didn't. Instead she held death's hand and smiled.

"I have been waiting for you." She was waiting for him? She was not afraid at all, but glad to see him. She looked at him as if death was an old friend.

"I am sorry to have kept you waiting. Let's take you back home now." He lead her trough a dark fog, and then they were gone. I realized then, that there is more to death than I had realized.

Day after day I would start to sneak out trough the gates, and find my way to him. But I could never reach him. His power was so much different than mine, that it would affect me if I tried to go any closer to him. It frustrated me. Knowing he was there, knowing who he was, but also knowing that I could never speak to him. Or so, that's what I thought.


A few weeks later, I was on my way towards the gates. But I was stopped by two of father's most trusted guards. I could have tried to out fly them, but that would have ended the same way. These angels are hand picked by father to protect heaven, and fight for when the destined day comes. There is no way to escape them, even if you wanted to. They each grabbed me by an arm and flew me back home.

"Lilith." I was sat down in front of father. He was sitting at his desk with his hands resting in front of him. His all knowing blue eyes not once leaving my face. "We need to talk, and you know about what." There's no point in trying to lie, he already knows. And even if I didn't want to, the punishment for lying would be to big.

"Father, Please forgive me."

"Lilith, how could you go beyond the gates?"

"Who told you?" I was starting to try and remember if I had felt any energy in the human world besides me and death's, but I could not remember feeling any.

"No one had to tell me, I knew. I was hoping that it may have been to simply see the humans and learn more about them. But to find you following death, why?"

"I'm sorry father. I never wanted to disobey you, but I'm drawn to him." I could not believe how easy it was for me to say that. I expected him to get mad, or to ask me what I was talking about. But instead he stayed quiet and simply looked at me for a while.

"Lilith, do you know why you are drawn to death?"


"It is because he holds somewhat the same power as yours. When two beings of different energy meet, they tend to have a magnetic pull. Like the north and the south side of two magnets. You are drawn to death because he is opposite to your life. But hear me when I say this, you and death will never be able to meet." For some reason, this news broke my heart. I could not explain why, but it did.

"What do you mean? Why can't I ever go near him?"

"Do you not understand? You are life, he is death. The only way you communicated is trough our creations. If life and death ever meet, the world will become imbalanced."

That night all I could think about was what father said. If I meet with death, if I ever speak with him, I can end up causing damage to the earth. I stared out my window at the view outside. Angels flying happily, a world of peace. If I ever meet death, all of this may be gone. I could feel my tears treating to come out, and I didn't stop them. I let my heart burn, and the tears of pain at knowing I can never meet him fall down my cheeks. I may not know him in person, but in my heart I know I will never be able to forget him.


The next day I didn't see the human world, knowing I would only teas myself if I did. I would want to search for him, but I dared not to. Father's words were still fresh in my head, along with the pain inside of my chest. So I avoided the human world, and focus solely on the task of creating more life. The very life that will one day be judge by him, Alastor Reaper.

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