Chapter Seven: What are you hiding?

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"God, just end already!" We had a substitute teacher for fifth period today, and Teresa hasn't stopped banging her head on her desk since school started. All day she has been looking at the clock, counting down the hours and minutes until school was over. Each period she would check her phone sigh when she saw she had no missed calls or text.

"Tess, what's wrong with you today? You're acting weirder than normal." She had her head on her desk and turned to her right to look at me.

"Sorry, just...anxious I guess."

"About what?" I looked back at the board and wrote down some notes the sub put on the board.

"My brother is coming home today, and mom said she would call when he got home." I had almost forgot. Her mom did say her brother was coming home, and I still don't even know his name.

"So, does this mystery brother have a name?" She sat up and stretched her arms above her head.

"Lovely weather today huh?" She is hiding something, and it's big. Every time I ask about her brother she brushed it off. Did she not want me to meet him or something?

"Teresa!" The substituted shot me a dirty look and I decided to wait until after class to ask her.


I grabbed her before she could run away and I dragged her to the bathroom. I made sure we were alone before I locked the bathroom door.

"OK talk. You are hiding something and I wanna know what it is?" She sat on one of the sinks and looked at me. She was debating on whether to tell me or not.

"Why do you wanna know so bad?" Was she kidding or something?

"Tess, you have been my best friend since kindergarten. Something is bothering you and I wanna know what it is." She chewed on her bottom lip, and she only does that when she wants to say something, but she doesn't know how.

"The thing is, no one knows about my brother except the family."

"Why is that?" She jumped off the sink and started walking back and forth, she was really nerves.

"My brother went trough a 'experience' and had to be sent away for a while, it's been years since I last saw him. I just didn't want anyone to judge him." She was really worried about her brother.

"Teresa, you know i'm gonna not do anything. You are like a sister to me, there's no way I would hurt your brother." She thought about this for a second, then turned to me and smiled.

"OK. Come to my house after school, you can meet him tonight." I smiled and we walked out the bathroom. Just in time to be pushed back by all the girls that ran inside to go to the bathroom.


After the last bell I called Blake to tell him I was going to Teresa's house, and to tell mom I was gonna be home late. We walked to her house, and I used this opportunity to check everything out from the ground. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but I couldn't shake this feeling that something wasn't right. I felt a strange presence, and it was something I wasn't used to.

"Come on slow poke." I snapped out of my thoughts and saw that we were already at her house. I walked inside and saw the big welcome home sign on top of the stairs. It was set up like a mini party, and I was starting to worry that I would be intruding.

"Lolita, you came!" I saw Mr.Robin's coming over with a big bowl of Doritos. Mrs. Robin's was right behind him with a big present.

"Hello sweet heart. I am so glad you came!" She crushed me into one of her famous bear hugs and took all the air out of my lungs. I swear one day this woman is gonna break something.

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