Chapter Four: I am a reaper.

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"OK children, you may leave now." We all stood up and bowed one last time to our father and mother. Blake was already out the door with Lenore right behind him.


"Yes father?"

"Sit down. I would like to speak with you a little longer." I sat back down while my mother smiled and walked out the room. Now I was starting to feel nerve, she almost never leaves his side.

"Lolita, how have you been my child? I have not had a chance to speak with you since you uncovered your reaper's powers."

"I have been good, nothing new to report."

"I see." This was nerve wracking. Please get to the freaking point already!

"The reason I wanted to talk to you was because your mother has informed me she feels you are acting rather strange, are you sure you are feeling OK?" He was now in his human form, and he was looking at me with true fatherly concern.

"Father I assure you I am fine. I don't know why mother thinks something is wrong?" He looked at me for a while. He looked like he didn't believe me.

"Lolita. I want to ask you something, so do not lie, understood?" I nodded my head. "Do you truly want to be the grim reaper?" My head snapped up so fast I actually heard a pop. Why was he asking me this all of a sudden?

"Lolita, I am waiting." I can't lie, he will be able to tell.

"To be honest father, I don't know." He raised an eyebrow, and let me continue. "When I was Lenore's age, it was all I could think about. Beating Blake and taking over for you. Now, I like the feel of being human." I could actually feel a small smile on my face. It has been a long time since I smiled in front of my father, and meant it.

"Lolita...HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!" Crap, he was back in reaper form. "YOU ARE LOLITA REAPER! DAUGHTER OF THE GRIM REAPER! I will not allow you to just give up and be 'human'."

"But why father?! Blake still wants to be the grim reaper, why not just give the title to him?!"

Just then it was like all the air was being sucked out of my body, and my skin felt like it was turning into goo. My blood was freezing, and there was a sharp pain in my skull.

"LOOK AT YOURSELVES!" I looked at the mirror hanging in my fathers office, and I was shocked at my face. Or better yet, the lack of. I was like my father, all bones. I was still in my clothes, but there was no getting around the fact that these were my bones.

"Change me back!" Even my voice was different, it didn't sound like me. 

"Not until you realize that this is who you are. I don't care if by some chance you lose to your brother and are stuck with the humans once you lose. You will never be a human, you are a reaper. And the faster you realize that, the better off we all will be." 

He left me alone in his office after that. He turned back into his human form, but left me as a reaper. I stared at myself in the mirror until I couldn't take it anymore. I punched the mirror and walked out my dad's office. I headed up to my room and slammed my door once I was inside. I turned my lights off and headed to bed. I was to tired to do anything about this today.


"And explain to me again, how this isn't cool?" Blake came to wake me up for school,and wouldn't stop staring at me since he saw me. He was seating next to me poking at my bones.

"Blake stop!" He did and kept looking at me.

"Why not just try and change back?"

"Easier said than done. Dad was the one who change me, and he said I won't be able to change back until I realize that I am a reaper, not a human."

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