Chapter Thirty-two:Their decision

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"H-hello..." Her voice was so soft and gentle, I almost wanted to cry. Her blond hair was waving from the breeze coming from the open window, and the small amount of light that came into the room made her hair shine like gold. Her blue eyes looked like the clear sky, and I found myself staring at them.

"Who are you?" I'm surprised that my voice came out as strong as it did, inside I was confused as hell. She knelled down to face me, and she stuck her small hand out towards me.

"My name is Lilith, and I already know you, Alastor." How? I shuck her hand, and it was so small and warm, I didn't want to let it go. I stared at the face of this angel in front of me. Now that was not an attempt at flattery. She truly was an angel. With wings as white and pure as the first snow flake to fall from the sky.

"Lilith." The name was so beautiful, and when I spoke her name, the biggest smile I have ever seen came across her gentle face. I could not help myself, I smiled back at her. Never since the day I was born and made the grim reaper have I ever smiled like this. Normally I plaster a smile on my face just to make the mortals calm and follow me.

"Alastor." The way she said my name was like she was singing the most beautiful song in the world. I loved hearing my name fall from her full pink lips.

After that we spend as much time as we could together. We figured that since I somewhat had the ability to give life as well as take it, that made it easier for Lilith to reach me, since she is the angel of life. She is my opposite, and that only made her more interesting. When I was not collecting the souls, I was with her. She became the only light in my otherwise dark and lonely world. She became the only reason that I did not completely hate my existence.

"Lilith?" She turned to look at me with those gorgeous blue eyes that I have grown to desire.


"Do you know why your father made me?" She was silent for a while. I was starting to think that maybe she didn't know also. I know that I was actually a creation of god and his brother, but for what I was never sure of. I may work for them in a sense, but I never get to speak to either of them.

"I do." I stared at her in shock. I grabbed her small shoulders and pulled her face closer to me. I could smell the hint of lavender on her clear ivory skin. She was shocked by this because I normally don't touch her unless she makes the first move. I don't know why, but I just did.

"Please, Lilith, tell me. What am I really? Why did your father and 'uncle' make me?" She looked me straight in the eyes, and I could see sympathy and sadness in her beautiful eyes. She placed a hand in my cheek, and I found myself closing my eyes and enjoying the warmth her touch gave me.

"Alastor, my Alastor." I stared at her in shock. She has never call me hers. I loved the way that sounded. I pulled her into a bone crushing hug. Her normally warm skin was burning next to my ice cold chest. I pulled away slightly and saw that her face had a small hint of red splashed on her cheeks.

"Please Lilith. I need to know what I truly am. I don't know what the point of me being the Grim Reaper is, and why I was made to have this job. I need to know that there is a reason behind it, and not just because I was not worthy of entering either heaven or hell." The words I spoke were true. I have always assumed that I was just a poor soul that neither heaven or hell found worthy of letting through their gates. If hell would not even take me then I figured I might as well have been worthless.

"Alastor!" She forced my face up to look her square in the eyes. She was so serious and I saw a strange fire burning in her eyes. "Now you listen to me. If my father and uncle made you, they made you for a reason. You are meant for things so important that no one else can do except for you. You are more important than you know. Especially to me." She leaned in and placed her pink warm lips against my frozen once. The heat from her lips was so strong I almost thought that she would melt my frozen heart. Hell, she might already have.

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