Chapter Twenty-Eight: A mother's secrets

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I hate this so much. I watch as the ribbons continue to work themselves slowly around my body, and judging by how far up they have come, only a day has passed. This room is so bright and quiet, it's just like my father's spell. 

"Great, what the hell do I do now?"

"Be grateful that this isn't hell?"

"Who's there?!" I look around, but I don't see anyone. Not even grandfather was able to come in here, so who could have gotten in? "Come out and show yourself!"

"Relax, here I am." All of a sudden a guy is flying in front of me, and I can't help but try and punch him out of reflex. Only to be held back by the stupid ribbons on my wrist. "Wow, they weren't kidding when they said you were a feisty one."

"Who are you? And what the hell do you mean 'they'?! Watch when I get out of here, I'll show you just how feisty I can be." He stared at me for a moment, before he started laughing uncontrollably.

"Sorry, sorry, I don't mean to be rude. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Alejandro, and you are actually in my room."

"What?" I look around, but there is nothing here that shows this is anyone's bedroom. "Yeah right. I thought angels couldn't lie?"

"First of all, we can. But we don't because lying is wrong and we feel the affects of it later. And second of all, this is my room." He backs away from me a little more, and I notice that his appearance was beginning to change. His body was starting to change from a young teen, to a handsome full grown man. I look at his face, and I can see wisdom in his eyes and face.

"Who are you?"

"Alejandro, the angel of time. This is my home, but father asked to use it so that I can help speed up your training." I know I should have been more interested in the fact that he hold somewhat the same power as father, but there is something he said that caught my attention more.

"Father? Are you talking about my grandfather?" Again his appearance changed, but this time he looked much older.

"That is right, you do not know. Yes, he is my father. But then again he is everyone's father. The only difference is that we are his actual birth children."

"So that would make you my..."


"Gross! I was called feisty by my uncle!" 

"Oh calm down will you? Honestly, you are the same as your mother." I looked at him at the mention of my mother. People have always said I look like her, but I have never been told I acted like her. Normally they compared me to father, but because he wanted me to be a grim reaper.

"You, remember my mother?" He became calm, and a look of love and pain appeared on his face. He came towards me and crossed his legs in mid air.

"Of course I remember her, she is my older sister."

"Can you tell me about her?" He looked at me, and gave me a look like he had no idea about what I was talking about.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you about her past?"

"No. All her or father ever told us is that she was an angel who fell in love with father, and gave up her wings for him." His wings expanded all the way and his halo glowed so brightly. I had to close my eyes, for fear that I would become blind from the light.

"LIES! Those are all lies! Very well then. Please, allow me to tell you the truth. And soon you will understand how you and your siblings came to be."



She's back. I know I told myself that I would not except her back unless she took her rightful place as the next grim reaper, but I can't help it. Her eyes may have been blue, and her hair blond, but that was my sister. The moment she stood on her own two feet, I could feel the power inside of her come back to life.

"She is still amazing." I place my pen down and step away from my desk. I spend so much of my time writing in my notebooks, I have not take a look at the world around me. Not much has changed, but I know a lot has happened. I look at hundreds of souls that are flying all over the city. It was like this four years ago when my sister went to fight Abraham. I don't think they have realized exactly what Abraham was, and what he was planning on doing. But I do.

I wish that I could explain how I know, but I can't. When I fist meet that boy, Ashton, I felt a strange energy around him. It was one that I have never felt before, but I was to little at the time to really care. But when my sister started to have doubts about being the next reaper, I started to pay more attention. I was now able to feel and sense things more clearly. I started to feel more power inside of me, and it was then that I realized that I have the power of foresight. I can see things that will happen, or have happened. All of a sudden my mind was being filled with images of all different events in time, and at first it was to much. The constant flow of images was causing me to have uncontrollable headaches, I wanted them to stop. After sometime I was able to control them, but I also realized that if I didn't write them down I would forget them.

Lately all I was getting was names and dates of people who were about to die, so I would just write them down. However, a few days ago I felt a strong and disgusting energy just outside my house. I try to go and see what it is, but I get knocked out every time I get close to the door. I wake up each time with so many images in my head, I end up spending hours trying to write them all down. Only to end up with a headache once they are done.

"Lenore." I turn to face my mother. Her face looks normal, she no longer has a tired look to her. I can hear the front door close, meaning her lover has gone home for the night.

"What is it?" I can't stand to look at her. Knowing she has the same face as me and my sister. But she is nothing like us, she has always been to soft and weak. She didn't even punish me when she found out I killed my teacher. All she did was yell at me until Blake stepped in and took care of the rest. Lately that's all he has been doing. Is cleaning up her messes.

"You seem well." She steps into my room, and I try to push her out. Only to be pushed back by my own energy.

"What the hell?!"

"Come now Lenore, I am the wife of the grim reaper, I have learned a few tricks of my own." She sits on my bed and pats the spot next to her. But I grab my desk chair and sit down on that instead. "When did you become so stubborn with me? You used to be attached to me like a second limb."

"I don't know? When did you become a whore?" I feel the air around me being sucked away, and I am now on my knees gasping for air. But that only last for a moment. I look up at her, and I see her eyes glow a fears green.

"You may not like me, but I am your mother and you will show me respect. I have been patient with you, and have allowed you to do as you pleased."

"Oh please! You have been so busy being depressed about Lolita, and having your 'needs' meet by that human to even pay attention to me. Now that sister is awake you want to act like my mother again? Go fuck yourself!" I was expecting her to try another attack, but she simply stared at me.

"You're right, I'm sorry." And with that she got up and left. All I could do is get up and clench my fist. I would have been happier if she had tried another attack, I hated her weakness. For a moment I had thought she had given up on her damn angelic side, but I guess not. When I saw her eyes glow that powerful green glow, I saw something dark in her. For that small moment, I saw what must have drawn father to her. She holds a lot more power in her than she lets on. 

"Now, I'm interested." I have not felt so much desire to mess with someone in a while. The last time I have felt this desire was when I was little, and I would fulfill those needs by taking it out on anything I could get my hands on. I guess I was never meant to be good, I was a bad child from the start.

"Just wait mother dear, I'm gonna know what secrets you have been hiding."

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