Chapter Six: The protection seal

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I told my dad what Andy said after her got back. I don't think I have to tell you how pissed off he was. I also told him about the promise I made to Andy, and how I wanted to find his mom and make sure that she's OK. He wasn't to excited about that, but knew that I would go and do it anyway.

"Be careful Lolita. That man is killing just to get to us, keep your guard up."

"I will." I bowed and headed up to my room. I changed into clothe I would be able to move freely in, just in case something does happen. I tied my hair up and grabbed the information that Andy gave me, He was only able to remember his mom's name and were his death took place. I was gonna have to go there first.

I quickly made myself invisible and grew my wings. I opened my window and took a deep breath of the fresh night air. I jumped and let the wing pass trough my wings, I could already see all the souls looking at me. I flew as far away as possible from the house and took my contacts off, letting my eyes relax and get used to not having them on. The contacts act as a block for my powers, and help keep them under control so humans can't see my real eyes. 

"Made it." I land at the entrance of the park and the corner of the shop were Andy was killed. I can see all the humans walking around, but they can't see me.

"Wow, it got cold of a sudden." I smiled and looked at the man giving his jacket to his date. That's the only way humans can tell when we are near, the temperature drops a lot. I use my eyes and look for Andy's blood, I find it behind the shop, in the path leading to the back ally. The blood looks like its only a few weeks old, so Andy hasn't been dead that long. That only pissed me off even more, he might have even been a classmate of Lenore. That might explain why they always talked once Lenore got home.

"I'm gonna kill that bastard." I pulled out the paper with Andy's information and I pulled out my phone.

"Did you find it?" My dad told me to call him once I found Andy's blood.

"Yeah I found it." I took a sample of it and sent it to my dad to compare it.

"Good, what is her name again?" In order for me to find his mom my dad needed to look her name up in his book, then we can use his blood to find a link between the two.

"Her names is Norma Carter." He looked up all the Norma Carter's in our city, sometimes there are more than one person with the same name. That's why we need blood to link it with the correct person, if not we go on a wild goes chase and waste to much time.

"I found her, I am sending you her link now." I looked up and saw a red string connected with Andy's blood, now all I have to do it follow it and I'll find his mom. The red string is called the string of fate, and they help connect spirits to the people they knew when they were alive. We use it to find the loved ones of the dearly departed. 

Turns out they only lived a few blocks down from the park. I landed on their room and used my eyes to see into their house, I saw his mom dad and little sister all seating together. His mom was holding onto a picture of Andy, his dad was holding his crying sister , and I saw why they were all crying. They were watching family movies and would cry every time Andy would come on screen, the sight was heart breaking. It still pissed me off that I can only have some sympathy for them, and that it didn't really affect me.

"I can't focus on that now." I snapped out of my thoughts and focused back on the family. I promised Andy that I would protect his mom, but I can't just leave the others helpless. I placed my father's Reaper seal on their roof and quickly entered their home before the temperature would drop and they would know something was wrong. I marked each of them with my seal, that way I would know if something happens when they are away from home.

"Is it getting colder in here?" Shit. I finished placing the seal on the little girl and flew out trough their roof. It helps that I can walk trough walls, it makes it faster to get out. I looked down at them one more time and scanned the area. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary and flew back home. I landed in my room and hid wings, I was tired. I didn't even bother taking my clothes off, I just drifted off to sleep.


"Lolita, mind telling me were you went yesterday?" I looked up at my mom with a mouth full of cereal, I only told dad I was going out. He never told my mom I was leaving, and since he isn't here she wont believe me. 

"Young lady, I am waiting."

"Yeah Lolita, she's waiting." I shot a dirty look at Blake who was grinning like a moron. Even Lenore was looking at me trying not to laugh. I turned to my mom and saw she was looking at me with her hand on her hip, she didn't look to happy.

"I went on an assignment last night. You can ask dad when he gets home."

"Believe me, I will. Finish your food and hurry to school before you're late." She never believes us when we say that, because we use it every time we sneak out. Well, more like every time Blake sneaks out. I looked at my brother who is having a hard time eating his food because he is to busy grinning like a jack o' lantern.

"Come on Jack, we're gonna be late."

"Who?!" I smiled as I grabbed my bag and headed towards the door.

 "Seriously Lolita, who's Jack?!"

"No one, now come on." I walked out the door once I shifted my wings and changed, he followed behind me and we flew to school.

"So were where you last night really?" He was still smiling like and idiot.

"I told you, I was at an assignment. It's like I told mom, ask dad when he gets home." I looked and saw that his smile dropped. It has been a long time since dad sent him on one, so he was getting worried that maybe dad didn't have hope for him anymore. 

"Bro relax, the assignment was personal. Dad only sent me cause it was something I had to do."

"Really?" He was so easy to read. Blake never let his emotions show, except when it came to stuff like this. Whether people believe it or not, Blake has almost no self-confidence when it comes to becoming the grim reaper.

"I promise." We flew to school and I took the opportunity to look at the city. I need to make sure nothing else is going on, and that no more innocent people are being killed. I need to find who ever is doing this, and put a stop to it. 

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