□ Chapter 2: Upcoming Trouble □

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(still in New York) ← Ignore these, they are here to help me out

Jacob Latimore P.O.V →

After finishing up a meet and greet here in New York, I couldn't help but smile because I knew Snookie was here and I really wanted to see her like badly. She don't know that I'm here though. Its been a couple months ever since the love triangle incident and that I wanted to apologies. Besides, I heard that her and Princeton are taking it to the next level so I really wanna see if it's true and that Can we try and start over building our relationship back up.

----------------------------- ( Ray Ray Pov )--------------------------

After the the performance last night, it was really fun and I enjoyed. Now we're at this restraunt just enjoying ourselves until the next performance.

Me- Cat, are you going to eat that?

Cat- *looks at him disguised* Why would you want to eat after me?

Me- Its not gonna hurt! Now, are you gonna eat it or not?

Cat- No...

Me- Can I have it please?

Cat- I guess, go ahead and get it...nasty. *shivers*

Me- Don't judge me. *bites into sandwich*

Cat- Shut the hell up. *pulls out bag of caramel candy bits*

Chris- You are going to share today! *sits down*

Cat- Did you pay for this candy?

Chris- Well no-*gco*

Cat- Okay then, I'm NOT sharing shit!

Chris- Okay then. I guess me and Ray are just gonna have to take back these Trey Son-*gco*


Me- Calm down! Damn, can't you see I'm trying to eat?

Cat- *puts hand in his face* I wanna see them!

Chris- Just wait until next month, you will.

Cat- THANK YOU RAY RAY!! *hugs him*

Me- You're welcome Cat....*peaked over shoulder* Are you gone eat-*gco*

Cat- You can have it. :)

Chris- :O What about ME?

Cat- I guess you can get a few pieces but NOT the whole bag of candy.

Chris- :) I won't, trust me.

Cat- Umm, Ray? You have a little...

Me- What? *takes another bite*

Cat- You have a little something on your mouth right there...

Me- *grins* Well looky there? I sure do!

Cat- Dude, *grabs napkin & laughs* I wasn't going to kiss it off you if that's what you're thinking.

Me- Well Fuck you then. *narrows eyes*

Chris- Here comes the definition of ghetto. *sips drink & laughs *

Cat- *glares at chris* I'll deal with your ass later. *looks at Ray* Baby, just let me wipe it off.

Me- *pushes hand away* the hell you think you're doing?

Cat- Being the loving and devoted girlfriend that I am. :)

 Trouble On Tour : Season 2 ( MBA & MBMS Collaboration)Where stories live. Discover now