▧ Chapter 37: Heartbreak Kid ▧

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Boy meets girl and sweeps girl completely off her feet. She said "No" and he said "Don't runaway from me". "I love you girl." That's what he said to me. And I was like "Oh no, this can't be happening." Let me just give you a pre-warning don't ever try to say I ain't tell ya, I'm liable to break your heart, into little bitty pieces.


"Knock, Knock!"

"Whose there?"


"Boo who?"

"Aww don't cry I was only joking."

"What the- Oh wow."

I couldn't help but laugh as he gave me a stupid look. "That was good though." He said taking another one of grapes.

"Would you stop?!" I whined and hit him in his arm. He chuckled and put the grape in his mouth. "I'm serious Bieber."

"You're cute when you're agitated."

I shook my head. "Um, no."

"Um, yes." He nodded and I rolled my eyes putting my bowl of grapes in my lap, eating them for myself.

"So, how are you?" He asked.

"Uh, I'm fine. What about you?"

"Good." He nodded.

"Congratulations on the Purpose album, you did good."

"Thank you so much."

"Aww." I touched my heart. He sounded so innocent. He chuckled and looked at me sweetly, his eyes begging for another grape. He too cute to say no too. I fed him one and got a free kisse on the cheek. He just knows how to mess with someone. I slightly smiled at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing." I quickly shook my head. I secretly just realized something, I won't say.

"No what is it?" He asked, pushing the question more.

"Its nothing, honestly." I reassured him. "I just thought of something." He gave a hesitant look but shrugged it off. "Excuse me one minute." he said getting up and I stared off into space. What will my situation be if I got with Diggy? I don't even think I'll be stable if I'm with him. Before I know it, I'll hurt him and things would go down again.

Or would it really?

"You sick?" I popped out of my thoughts and saw Diggy feeling on my forehead. I slightly smiled. "Nope." I answered.

"You sure?" He asked and I nodded. "I was daydreaming." I insisted, not willing to reveal my thoughts to him.

"I think you're sick." He said, sitting in front of me. I tilted my head in curiosity.

"What makes you think that?"

"Your eyes."

"What about them?"

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