※ Chapter 23: Who Do You Believe? ※

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(Location: Houston, Texas)


After performing in front of a large crowd, I have to admit, it was fun. You know the best part? Diggy has been out of sight and quiet for the past few weeks and I'm so happy. I think he finally let me go and everything can go back to normal. While I was in my dressing room eating some frosted animals cookies, Ray walked in with a look on his face that I never seen. "Hey babe-" "I began, but he cut me off by holding a picture in my face. "What the hell is this?" He said so forceful. I grabbed the picture to get a closer look and what I saw kinda shocked me.

It was a picture of me and you know who (Diggy) cuddling up next to eachother.

Me: Where did you get this?!

Ray: Is it real?!

Me: What- No! What makes you think I would do something like this behind your back?

Ray: *shrugs* I never thought until now...we all know how you are.

Me: Ray, someone photo shopped this picture.

Ray: How would you know that?

Me: Cause you know me enough to know I wouldn't do this behind your back!

Ray: You're right, maybe I'm overreacting.

Me: Maybe..maybe not. *shrugs*

Ray: Maybe not? *raises eyebrow*

Me: *shakes head* Nothing.

Ray: But, *sighs* that's not all..

Me: That's not all?! What do you mean that's not all?!

Ray: Scroll across the screen, and you'll see.

See, this is what I don't understand: Why does more trouble come when I try to make peace? Doesn't make any sense right? The more photo shopped pictures I saw of me and Diggy, the more confused I got. "The fuck?" I mumbled to myself. "I said the same thing." Ray said sitting down beside me. This isn't right at all. "Ray, I don't know what to tell you-" I was cut off by him kissing me..passionately? Something different. When I say different, I mean different. Ray's never acted like this before.

He then pulled me near him where I was laying in hid chest. Is he caught up in his feelings/emotions right now? Or there something mmore to him than I'm seeing? I can feel it. "You okay?" I asked him. "Yea, I'm fine.." He said softly. "I just don't want to lose you." Lose me? Yea, there most definitely something going on in his head that I don't know about. "You won't." I mumbled. My phone suddenly rung from a phone call.

Me: Cat speaking.

??: Hey little sis, its Justin.

Me: *grins* Oh hey Bieber! What's up?

Justin: Are you busy any this week?

Me: Nah, I'm off for the rest of this month , what's up? *sits up*

Justin: Well, I'm having this performance in my home town in Canada (Stratford) and I was wondering if you and Snookie would like to do a duet dance performance with me and my crew?

Me: Sure! I can do that; whose coming along?

Justin: Chris, Tinashe, Austin, a good amount of people.

Me: What's the schedule?

As he gave me the schedule for the studio time next week, I saw Ray kinda looking funny. I gave him a look and he gave me one back making me almost laugh. I then felt his hand shove the side of my head making me reach over and hit him in his thigh making him jump and rub it from the pain.

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