▧ Chapter 36: Complicated (2/2)

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"You think Diggy will notice?"

"Nah. Nature Valley bars are organic." I told Prince waving him off and kept searching through the bag for my Debbie cakes.

"You see my-"

"Here Prod."

"Thank yoou." He said taking his box of ice cream. Once I found my cakes, I opened the box and took one out, popping it in my mouth in no time.

"Y'all act like you're starving." Princeton said.

"Shut up." Prod said smacking on something. Me and Prince both looked back there and saw him eating the ice cream.

"Why are you eating it in the car?!"

"Cause I'm hungry! Its going to melt by the time we arrive back!"

"I swear you're something serious."

"Don't waste anything or that's our ass."

"Y'all chill!" Prod continues to eat the ice cream. "I got this."

"Can't believe you actually brought a spoon though." I mumbled.

"I got napkins. Need some?"

"Just eat your ice cream."

I decided to hold in this laugh because I didn't have time to deal with Prod himself. Crazy, I tell you, just crazy as I don't know what.

When we arrived at the house, Prince and Prod got the groceries while I walked in the house to put his ice cream up, which he had already half eaten. I shut the freezer and turned around only to see Princeton and Jacob (Latimore) face to face.


How did I not see him in here?

"No, no, no." I said getting in between them.

"What is he doing here?" Princeton asked.

"I came here to talk to Snookie-"

"Man naw, she's off limits."

"No she's not, she's still my stepsister." Jacob said.

"I don't care, you cause enough trouble as it is and now you're stalking the hell out of her!"

"Aye!" I semi yelled. Jesus, this is getting out of my reach.

"What's going on in here?" Cat asked walking in.

"Do you need something Jacob?" I said eyeing him. He gave me a faint smile.

Shit, he has got better looking...but that's not the point. I shook that thought out and got into a serious manner.

"What is it now Mr. Latimore?" Cat said standing beside me.

"He don't want anything." Princeton said. "He just want Snookie's attention, he messing with her feelings."

"Would you shut up? Damn, I came to talk to Snookie and her only."

"I don't want to talk to you Jacob, there's nothing to talk about..." I said shrugging and I was being honest feelings hurt or not. He taking this "we" think a little too serious now and I'm not about to have that.

"Everyone's moved on except for you." Cat stated.

"Is there something wrong with that?"

"No there's nothing wrong with that." I said stepping in. I still had a soft spot for him regardless.

"I got this y'all." They all nodded and headed their separate ways except Princeton I gave him a look and he shook his head leaving me and Jacob alone. Oh the misery this boy gave me.

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